MTG: Jumpstart Historic Horizons Launches Next Week

Magic Arena is going to get a major update this coming Tuesday, and with it comes the launch of the next expansion, Jumpstart: Historic Horizons.
MtG Jumpstart: Historic Horizons launches August 26th and the gates will officially be blown off their hinges as Magic steps into the all digital frontier with cards that look outside of your deck, permanently affect other cards, or that search through your deck without reshuffling it. But ahead of this digital decanting comes a major update scheduled for Tuesday, per the MTG Arena announcement:
The August release that includes the backend update and Jumpstart: Historic Horizons is scheduled for Tuesday, August 24. The downtime on that day will generally follow this schedule (times are approximate):
- 5:30 a.m. PT – Matches can no longer begin, and real money purchases are disabled.
- 7:00 a.m. PT – Downtime begins.
- Roughly 11:00 a.m. PT – Downtime ends. Season rewards for the August 2021 season will be awarded on your first login after downtime, as will the ten new decks.
Jumpstart: Historic Horizons is set to start on August 26 and will be available through October 14 to give you plenty of time to enjoy it and the forthcoming Innistrad: Midnight Hunt set release on September 16.
As a result of the extended downtime, there are a few changes to the usual schedule:
The August 2021 Ranked Season continues until the August 24 downtime when players’ ranks will be reset at the end as normal. The September 2021 Ranked Season will be slightly longer, beginning on August 24 following the downtime and running through September 30.
To honor the rewards announced before moving the downtime to August 24, the August season is now a “doubling season” that will feature double gold and pack rewards, plus twice as many card styles at each rank!
Also, to honor the invitation structure, both the first 500 players to reach Mythic rank and the approximate Top 500 Mythic-rank players, as of 7:00 a.m. PT on August 10 in both Constructed and Limited, will be extended Qualifier Weekend invitations.
But on top of this, you’ll be able to get in on some no-entry-fee Premier Drafts. Right now Kaladesh is going on until Friday, then it’s Ikoria: Lair of Behemoths.
All of this awaits on Magic Arena