MTG: New Secret Lairs Are Timeless Reimaginings Of Classic Cards

In their latest batch of Secret Lair drops, WotC reveals that Magic is getting all Timey-Wimey with their art, and their sets. Take a look.
Hot on the heels of the sweet reveals and upcoming deals of Magic’s future sets, comes a new batch of Secret Lair MTG card drops that sets its sights on the days of future past–but not in an X-Men kind of way, just in a “we are getting retro and revisiting some of the classic cards, stories, and worlds with fresh eyes in these upcoming new sets” kind of way. So while there might not be any shirtless Hugh Jackman in the new sets, there still will be plenty to ogle. Feast your eyes on these!
First up, it’s a return to classic Kamigawa well ahead of the journey to the plane’s cyberpunk future. Kamigawa, as you might have gathered from the name, takes most of its inspiration from Japanese history, mythology, and folklore. And in this new Secret Lair drop, the artist JungShan has brought her incredible brush-and-ink aesthetic to Magic: the Gathering.
Not only do you get some gorgeous cards, you also get some pretty cool reprints of iconic cards.
Teferi, one of Dominaria’s greatest time wizard is here–and his latest spell has hurled Magic back into the earliest days. With Teferi’s Time Trouble you get a time-flung Teferi along with Dack and Karn in cards that remind us just how far Magic has come since it began. Retro frames, retro rules text. If you love early Magic, this is the set for you.
This next set is pretty fantastic. Done entirely by artist Johannes Voss, this set not only looks gorgeous, but come together to tell a story–and if you look closely you’ll see that the flavor text is all a poem, written by Voss. If you want artistry, check out Johannes Voss’ Secret Lair.
But if you want something truly monstrous (while also looking beautiful enough to haunt your nightmares), you’ll want to check out the set from artist Thomas Baxa, who has taken some of Magic’s most horrific cards and given them gruesome new life.
Finally we round out the Secret Lair drop with Math is for Blockers, a set chock full of Math puns and cards that are great at stopping your opponent from attacking you.
All of these are up for pre-order now, so don’t wait.
Which set are you excited for?