Star Wars Armada: The Empire Is The Best Faction For New Players

Let’s take a look at the best faction for a new player in Star Wars Armada. Queue the Imperial March!
Star Wars Armada is a great game and can be a ton of fun. It’s also a hard game to master. I’ve seen a lot of starting players get turned off, or at least struggle, in their first few games. It can be a bit unforgiving at times and there is nothing more deflating than making a wrong move with a ship and seeing it get destroyed in a single shot. With that in mind, it can be important to pick an appropriate starting faction. Luckily Armada remains a small enough game that you can build fleets for all factions with ease. Still starting off can be important and to be the best faction for a new player looking to get into the game is clearly the Empire. Let’s take a look at why.
They’ve Got The Best Commander For a New Player
Picking a commander is a hard thing to do in the game, especially for a beginner. Some commanders have rules that seem really powerful, but either require specific builds or very specific tactics to pull off. These aren’t great for new players. That’s where Motti comes in, he’s hands down the best commander for a new player. Motti is easy to use, you don’t have to do anything other than include him in the fleet. On top of that, you will always get some benefit from him. There really isn’t a way to mess up using Motti, and he requires no thought to get benefits from. Indeed by making your ships harder to kill, he makes the game a little more forgiving for a new player. His rule isn’t even bad, he makes for a great commander even for a more experienced player. This is the way to go for a new player for sure.
A Forgiving Fleet
The Imperial Fleet is in general a very forgiving one to play. You tend to run a lot of larger ships that are fairly slow and tough. It’s generally straightforward. You fly at the enemy and roll a lot of dice. Minor maneuvering mistakes are far less likely to get you killed, and you normally get to throw out some dice. You fighters tend to be pretty cheap and it’s not a huge blow to lose some. It’s not a crazy combo heavy fleet, but has some good ones with squadrons for instance. It’s not an auto-win fleet at all, but you normally feel like you got to fight back a bit even when you lose.
You Get To Roll A Lot Of Dice
Imperial ships tend to have some of the most potent attacks in the game. This means you get to just roll a ton of dice. Rather than plinking away with 2-3 dice attacks, go ahead and reach for a handful of 8-10 dice and roll those. Is it better? Err, not always. But I do think it’s a lot more fun. I think for newer players getting to roll a ton of dice and have fun is a key to helping them get into the game.
They Are Super Cool
Let’s be honest, Star Destroyers are freaking cool. The Imperial faction has some of the best and most iconic looking ships in the game. I defy any Star Wars fan, or even gamer, to look at this game say “nah, I don’t want to own one of those Star Destroyers“. Not only do they have the Imperial Class, but you’ve got a wide variety, including the massive Super Star Destroyer. I think this can be a major draw at getting someone into the game.
Let us know what fleet you think is the best for beginners, down in the comments!
You also get the best theme of any faction!