Star Wars ‘The Bad Batch’ Episode Sixteen Easter Eggs And Revelations

In the season finale of ‘The Bad Batch’ the Empire is coming together and we get a peek at Imperial science thirty years in the making.
The season finale of The Bad Batch aired this week and while we are excited to see what this means for the rest of the galaxy, our favorite characters, and season two, there was plenty to break down in episode sixteen by itself.
Imperial Siren
As the episode opens Kamino is in the process of being completely destroyed. Kaminoans aren’t an aquatic people and relied on their water-tight stilt cities staying that way, so this Imperial bombardment is especially brutal. And most of what we can hear in these opening scenes is the very familiar Imperial Emergency Siren that we’ve also heard in the original movies on the Death Star and in Rogue One. (It was also my ringtone for a while until I forgot that I’d left my phone plugged in with the volume on in Logan International Airport and let everyone traveling out of Boston know that the rebels were attacking the base.)
Transition Era Ships
Last week we had a look a the Venator class Star Destroyers, and this week the transitional period between Republic and Imperial era ships continued. We see a Rho Class Transport Shuttle, previously used as a Republic medical transport, and a Alpha-3 Nimbus class V-Wing Starfighter, previously piloted by clones in support of Jedi. We know that the Empire will eventually phase out much of this old technology in preference of their own, just like they’re doing with the clones, but it’s still always a little sad to see what they’ve taken from the Jedi and Republic they ended.
Clones in Transition
Clones are still around, but mostly to train the newly recruited Storm Troopers and facilitate the transfer of power. This particular Clone is seen in armor reminiscent of the Republic Clone Commando armor, but also of the standard Storm Trooper armor that will come later. This too is a transitional look that the Empire will eventually replace with their own.
Medical Officer Uniform Looks Familiar
Nala Se is brought to an unnamed base on a yet undisclosed planet where a medical officer greets her. Her uniform is strikingly similar to the uniform worn by Dr. Pershing in The Mandalorian, who you may remember worked to extract blood from Grogu presumably to clone someone or something. It’s possible that far future endeavors such as whatever they were trying to do with Grogu could have started here in this facility Nala Se is coming to. Who better to possibly clone Imperial super-force-users than the creator of the best Clones on Kamino?
We’re Probably Not Getting Crosshair Back
After a long journey it’s sad to say, we will likely not be getting Crosshair back from the Empire. After last week’s revelations that he no longer had his inhibitor chip, he made it clear this week that he believed in the Empire and planned to stay loyal to them regardless of what the rest of Clone Force 99 chose. There was moment or two of hope where he and Omega interacted or even when he saved her life, but this seemed more in the name of debate and keeping the scorecard even than being a good person. While this is the exact opposite of what many of us were hoping for, it’s perhaps one of the realistic parts of many stories in Star Wars; sometimes your friend walks down a path you can’t follow, and sometimes you just lose that friend.
What did you notice from the finale of The Bad Batch? Will you be tuning in for season two? Did you hope Crosshair would come around, or did you know he was lost? Let us know in the comments!
May The Force Be With You, Adventurers!