Warhammer 40K: Grey Knights Get New Predictive Powers In Upcoming Codex

No need to guess – the Grey Knights will know thanks to their new Predictive Powers coming soon in their new codex.
The Grey Knights are potent psychic powerhouses on the tabletop. But that’s not their only trick in the new codex. They are about to get some additional options that can boost their precognition in battle to new levels.
“The new Grey Knights codex lets you gift Characters in your Grey Knights army with the Wisdom of the Prognosticars. Those blessed can choose a special ability in the form of one of the Visions of the Augurim or an item from the Gifts of the Prescient collection, either of which grants the user valuable tactical foresight in battle.”
So what type of upgrades are we looking at here? Games Workshop has a few examples to showcase for these noble souls. First up is the Omen of Incursion:
You do NOT want to deepstrike near the model that has access to this. Getting to select another unit to shoot at could be pretty devastating. Sure, it’s “only” at units within 12″ but that’s basically a free round of shooting that the deepstrikers are going to have to weather. And Grey Knight shooting can be very effective.
Another option is the Gem of Inoktu which helps to ensure that a psychic power you need to fire off will actually get used:
Toss this on a character that can use multiple powers a turn and that’s a +2 for each attempt. Not too shabby.
Managing The Tide
The extra wound isn’t the only boost the Grey Knights are getting. Their old Masters of the Warp rule is also getting a tweak.
“You choose from one of five Tides of the Warp at the start of the game, and all of the Grey Knight Psykers in your army benefit from that Tides’ abilities.”
Of the Tides you can choose is the Tide of Celerity:
This will help your Grey Knights get where you want them to be – and it’s probably going to be close combat! And if you don’t like this specific Tide, don’t leave Titan without your Warp Shaping psychic power which can allow you to change the active Tide. That’s going to be pretty darn handy.
The Grey Knights Codex is going up for Pre-Order this weekend. Get ready for the return of these Psychic Behemoths!