Warhammer 40K: Ork Combat Patrol Unboxed – Deffcoptas & More Revealed

Come take a closer look at those new Ork kits headed your way in the new Ork Combat Patrol box!
GW has had some very attractive Combat Patrol boxes out these last few codex releases and the brand new Ork version looks to perhaps be the best so far.
These boxes are designed to be a starting point for building up a new army and this one fits the bill. Inside the new box are:
- 1 Warboss in Mega Armour (new kit)
- 20 Boyz (new kit)
- 3 Deffkoptas (new kit)
- 1 Deff-dread
Let’s go through them one by one:
1 Warboss in Mega Armour (new kit)
The big new boss is looking great and has a little buddy up top with the big shoota.
20 Boyz (new kit)
Here’s the big news of the entire release, alongside the Beast Snaggas – all new boys. It looks like every day is upper body day back at the WAAAGH with these boyz. T5 indeed!
Now take a good look at that sprue. This is typical modern “cram it all in there” sprue with not a bit of wasted space. You get some special weapons and the upgraded Nob on there as well. I count exactly 10 heads on that sprue, so this looks like one made for mass production, with not a lot of extra gubbins.
3 Deffkoptas (new kit)
OMG – about time! The old plastic Koptas from Battle For Vedros are hard to find and the metal one is ancient and long past its prime. These modern ones look perfect, and I expect to see swarms of these buzzing around the tabletop within the month.
1 Deff-dread
The classic kit, but a good looking one at that. The Deff-dread has killy rules as well, so it’s no slouch in the Combat Patrol box.
Putting It All Together
The 25-mini Box is headed your way this weekend. Two of these would be a fantastic start to an Ork army with no waste and solid tabletop performance. Now to hunt down some Beast Snaggas to spruce them up.
There is no word on prices as publication time, but we should know real soon!