Warhammer 40K RUMORS: Unified Aeldari Codex In The Works

There’s a set of Aeldari Codex rumors doing the rounds. Take a look.
We’ve already seen that GW is unveiling Black Templars and Orks are clearly on the way. Things have been quiet on the Craftworld Eldar front since last year’s Rise of the Phoenix brought us a most unexpected Jain Zar and new Howling Banshees.
But there’s a new set of Codex Aeldari rumors doing the rounds.
The Aeldari Codex Rumors
via Gary over at Faeit:
First off some big picture stuff. There are no timeframes attached to these rumors. We previously saw a set of World Eater rumors that simply said “during 9th Edition”, so again even if true, this could be many months ahead.
There have been other chatter on the rumor grapevine for several months of a combined Aeldar codex that would put several of the books together. So this is yet another datapoint on that rumor. To be blunt, the Ynarri (reprinted in Psychic Awakening) and Harlequin books/rules are on the thin side when it comes to page-count, so it makes a lot of sense to fold them into a unified book. The Craftworlders on the other hand have a very large and venerable range and need lots of room. If true, I would expect this book to clock in at about the size and price of the Marine codex.
The Avatar has made an appearance in various other recent codexes’ artwork in a supersized proportions and his current miniature is from 2ND EDITION! It’s long past time for a replacement. I can’t speak for any of the other rumors, but we all know modelwise – the biggest trouble spot for the Eldar range are the Aspect Warriors. Moving them all to plastic needed to happen last decade.
Ruleswise, the Aeldari are in a tough spot. In 9th Edition we have seen lethality and durability increases all over the place. From 2W Marines and T5 Orks, to hellacious shooting from everybody – it’s tough to be a T3 W1 race these days. I have no idea what the Aeldari need to survive, but the Drukhari reign of terror shows that it’s possible. I would expect to see Craftworlds in a new 9th codex to start with a Drukhari movement and firepower baseline, with added psychic ability, slightly increased durability (mainly their Aspects and Tanks), but with an across the board point increase.
In any case, GW is holding a “40K Codex roadmap” later this week, so that will give us a lot more to chew on in just a few days.
~Until then – caveat emptor!