Age of Sigmar: Bog Brawlers
They may not be ogres, but you still want to stay out of this swamp.
Alongside the new Stormcast, the Orruk Warclans are getting their updated battletome, alongside a pair of awesome new releases that introduce the cunning Kruleboyz officially into the Realms, and they are coming with style. We get to see how the swamp-dwelling Kruleboyz goad massive monstrosities to fight for them, and also their preferred method of long-range enemy deletion in the form of an enormous ballista. We’ve even gotten to take a peek at their snazzy new warscrolls, and by Gorkamorka they look snazzy, and more than ready to bring the boys in bolts down a peg or two, even off the backs of dragons.
Breaka-boss on Mirebrute Troggoth
Starting off the green parade is a brand new hero choice in the Breaka-boss and his massive swamp Troggoth…associate. Combining the cunning of an Orruk beast tamer with the raw brute strength of a 12 foot troll, this is going to be a frontline bruiser for the ages, and will sweep aside ranks of lesser models with ease thanks to its weight of high damage 3+/3+ attacks. What’s more, the Breaka-boss can take full advantage of his mount’s prodigious healing abilities, prodding him into a mad rage to pummel his enemies into swamp muck without worrying about getting flattened himself.
Combining his ability to goad his mount to fury, the Troggoth’s natural regenerative capabilities, and a solid 4+ armor save with 12 wounds, this is a bruiser boss that’s going to hit hard and be able to weather the storm of fire that swings back at him. Just be careful not to overcommit with him, lest his zeal for combat and Troggoth encouragement lead him to hamstring himself before he has time to heal.
Beast-skewer Killbow
Honestly the model I’ve been most excited for, both for look and the inevitable power of a weapon this size, the Beast-skewer Killbow is here to teach those pesky dragon riders the meaning of a no-fly zone. One of the first examples of competent Orruk shooting (sorry Arrer Boyz but you just can’t cut it), the Killbow is an incredible machine with a surprisingly eagle-eyed archer at the controls. Plus, like the smaller Boltboyz, the Killbow has two shooting methods depending on whether he took time to aim or fired his massive weapon on the run, meaning he can do damage without worrying about getting stuck in. And what damage it is; only Skarbrand himself can boast the same damage potential from a single attack as the massive bolts fired from this death engine.
Just in case he does get dragged into combat, his loading grots can fight off his adversaries with crude axes and swords, but honestly that’s not where you want him. I’m hoping these monsters can unit up, so I can take a block of them for maximum damage.
Will you be adding these monsters to your Orruk army?