Age of Sigmar: Build-A-Stormhost Rules Coming To Stormcast Eternals
Have you ever wanted to craft your own Stormhost? In the upcoming Battletome you will be able to do just that!
Games Workshop is making the Stormcast Eternals even more customizable with their very own Stormhost rules. Today we get a closer look at what that means and how you’ll be able to create your own Stormhost within the Stormcast Eternals.
“In another first for Warhammer Age of Sigmar, you can now found your very own Stormhost with three core tenets each broken down into nifty individual options. Choose two allegiance abilities that fit the background you want, and you can tailor your army to your preferred play style. “
If this idea sounds familiar then you’re probably familiar with the Chapters of Space Marines from Warhammer 40,000. It SURE sounds like that same idea – only it’s Stormcast Eternals and not Space Marines. Totally different things…
“WE are not the same. Hey, quit copying me!” ~Stormcast Eternal & Space Marine
Anyhow, we do get a look at a few of these rules and they seem neat as you’ll get to customize your army more toward your preferred play style.
Looking to go monster hunting? Beast Hunters and Swift Strikers combine to make a faster army that can do a number on Monsters. There are more options available as well so get ready to really customize your forces!
Path To Glory Only?
One thing we’re unclear of for these rules is if they are only for use in the Path to Glory system. The Green Text is a hint that it is and the rest of the article is about rules that are also specific to Path to Glory as well. Personally, while I like the concept of customization for armies, I think the core sub-factions are more than enough for Matched Play.
You can always take your Path to Glory army to Matched Play and use that if your opponent is cool with it. However, for big events like a Grand Tournament, I’d personally prefer if players had to stick with the “Core” sub-factions. I’ve seen the impact it’s made on the 40k side of Matched Play and I’d like to keep it over there. But hey, that’s just my opinion – you do what you want.
Having said that, It’s going to be interesting to see if Games Workshop gives the “Build-a-[blank]” option to everyone else in the game as the new Battletomes roll out. We’ll see if the Orruk Warclans get the same treatment. If they do, it would make sense as they are the other new style Battletome coming out. I’m not quite sure how that works however as they have 3 distinct armies in that book already and they can combo into one big WAAAGH! as it is. We’ll have to wait and see!
Are you going to forge your own Stormhost? Would you want to use custom Stormhosts in Matched Play?