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Age of Sigmar: Which Battletome Should Be Next?

4 Minute Read
Sep 6 2021
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The Stormcast Eternals and the Orruk Warclans are both getting their books – but who’s after that?

The Warhammer: Age of Sigmar 3.0 launch was a big hit. We’re still waiting on the AoS App, but aside from that, we’re getting two new battletomes this weekend for pre-order.  Oh, and a BUNCH of miniatures are still on the way for both the Stormcast Eternals and the Orruk Warclans. That’s great! We’re excited for all those things and yet…we can’t help but wonder what (or maybe who) is next?

We’ve had a few suggestions on which Battletomes we’d like to see – but having said that and seen the FAQs, we’ve got some more thoughts on which Battletomes might be next. We’ve also got this weird gap in the release schedule for 40k which could also be a big clue:

“Wait – that’s a 40k roadmap! What does that have to do with Age of Sigmar?” Well, look closely at the dates. Notice anything missing? It’s October. October is a clean slate. Wouldn’t that just be the perfect time to drop a new book for Age of Sigmar?

So which book(s) are on the way? We don’t know but GW may have left us some breadcrumbs…

Cities of Sigmar?

The Cities of Sigmar book could be getting a revamp soon. Why them? Well, looking at the current storyline (yes, it’s actually important) the followers of Sigmar are starting to venture out and reclaim territory. They aren’t always successful but these new Dawnbringer Crusades are trying to establish new footholds and new cities. First up, we have some new artwork:


Secondly, we have those new terrain kits that hint at these cities getting built:

Thirdly, we have a few models like the ven Densts who are supposed to join the ranks of the Cities of Sigmar – and could probably use a formal reintroduction into a new battletome:

Have rules. Will travel.


And finally, the Cities of Sigmar Battletome has had a BUNCH of new cities added in a bunch of different places at this point. It would be nice if GW consolidated them into one place just so it would be easier to keep track. Between the Dawnbringer Crusades, the cities rules, and the random models that need a formal book, a new Cities of Sigmar book seems like a good call.


This name was leaked by Warhammer Community and then swiftly swapped out. We’ve been hoping for a new army of Shadow Aelves for while now and this seems like it could be a good fit for October, too. Besides, we’ve already seen what the models COULD look like from GW and man…this army would look awesome.

Looking back at the current storyline, it could kind of make sense for the Daughters of Khaine to team up with them as well. Firstly, they have that whole Mother-Son dynamic with Morathi and Malerion. Sigmar is already mad at Morathai, as are Teclis and Tyrion. I don’t think we’ll see a combined Aelf faction anytime soon. That said, they are still allies of convivence as they DO oppose Chaos. A new Umbraneth book could be a cool way to expand the DoK list, update their rules, and add a new faction to fight alongside them all at once. Witch Aelves and Assassins are pretty old school allies. It would just work.

Plus it sure seems like GW already has the name and models (at least the prototypes from the Shadowstalkers) ready. We’re just waiting on them to push the launch button.

(Chaos) Duardin?


This one is a twofer. First we do have the tease of the Fallen Duarin and the arrival of the Hobgoblins Hobgrots. That’s pretty straight forwards. This is a clue to what could be the eventual arrival of the Chaos Dwarves in AoS 3.0.

But aside from that, we also have the return of the Grungni. He crafted the new Thunderstrike Armor to help with the Stormcasts reforging issues (thanks Be’lakor). And we also had a major tease that the White Dwarf himself could be making a comeback, too!

Will we see a unified Duradin front? Will we see the return of the Chaos Dwarves in some form or fashion? Either option (or both) would be a great excuse to release a ton of new and updated models – and we are all for that!


What do you think? Who’s next and what’s up with that October blank spot for releases?


Author: Adam Harrison
  • Age of Sigmar: A Hero By Any Other Name - PRIME