Games Workshop Pre-Orders: Pricing & Links – Ork WAAAGH! Weekend

The Orks are up for Pre-Order. Time to get your WAAAGH!!! On!
via Games Workshop
Codex: Orks – Collector’s Edition
This collector’s edition is a premium quality codex designed for ultimate fans of the Orks. It comes with printed page edges, a soft-touch cover with foil blocking, and a black 1/4″ ribbon marker.
Codex: Orks $50
There are many horrific alien threats to be found among the stars, and the Orks are some of the very greatest among them. Born for battle and possessed of an all-encompassing love for war, the average Ork is a heavily muscled killing machine able to withstand tremendous punishment and heal from all but the most grievous injuries. When they collect in colossal migratory invasions called Waaagh!s, the Orks stampede across whole sectors leaving a trail of destruction in their wake, wrought by ramshackle vehicles, cobbled-together weaponry, and sheer, primal savagery.
This 136-page book contains a treasure trove of background information covering prominent Ork conflicts from the past and present, accompanied by stunning artwork and galleries of painted miniatures. Codex: Orks grants you a detailed look into the organisation of Ork armies, be they small planetary raiding forces or monstrous Waaagh!s, as well as the troops, leaders, and war machines that fight among them. The book also has everything you need to know to field them in battle on the tabletop, including 61 datasheets, 7 Clan Kulturs, Stratagems, Relics, and more.
Inside this hardback codex, you’ll find:
– Thrilling tales of legendary Ork escapades, from war on a galactic scale to smaller, more ‘covert’ operations
– All of the army rules you need to play games of Warhammer 40,000 with your Ork miniatures, including 61 datasheets covering every available unit
– Lore on the six greatest Clans and the Freebooterz, including their unique kulturs and how Orks structure their armies
– Detailed matched play rules, including dedicated secondary objectives
– A full suite of rules for playing narrative Crusade games including Agendas, Battle Traits, Requisitions, Crusade Relics, Scrap, Might Makes Right, and more
Datacards: Orks $25
Datacards make referencing your rules in battle easy. Containing quick-reference Stratagems and psychic powers, they’re perfect for ensuring you don’t forget crucial rules when you need them most.
This pack contains 52 datacards, divided as follows:
– 7x Core Stratagem cards
– 25x Ork Stratagem cards
– 7x Ork Clans Stratagem cards
– 13x Ork psychic power cards
You will need a copy of the Warhammer 40,000 Core Book and Codex: Orks to make full use of these cards.
Orks Dice Set $35
Waaagh! Grab these dice that are specially themed to match your Ork army. There are enough of them to roll for even the most dakka, and your Boyz will be proud to see so much green on the battlefield.
Each six-sided, round-cornered die is a dark green colour. The 20 dice in this set each measure 16mm x 16mm and feature the Ork icon on the 6 face and traditional pips on the other faces all in an off-white colour. The dice are supplied in a blister pack with a backing card featuring Ork artwork.
Combat Patrol: Orks $140
he Orks love nothing more than charging headlong into the fury of combat, bellowing “Waaagh!” at the top of their lungs and letting loose with whatever weapons they can lay their hands on. They live for battle, and their apocalyptic migratory invasions lay waste to whole sub-sectors of the galaxy as they drown their enemies in a green tide of bloodshed, violence, and destruction.
If the sound of plunging enthusiastically into the maelstrom of combat appeals to you, Combat Patrol: Orks is the perfect place to start or expand your army. The contents of this set have been specifically chosen to provide you with an ideal force for Combat Patrol-sized games – approximately 25 Power Level’s worth of miniatures.
This set includes the following multipart plastic units:
– 1x Warboss in Mega Armour
– 20x Ork Boyz
– 3x Deffkoptas
– 1x Deff Dread
The above units are supplied with 1x 50mm round base, 20x 32mm round bases, 3x 75mm oval bases, 1x 60mm round base, and an Ork transfer sheet.
These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
Zodgrod Wortsnagga $40
With his Grabzappa crackling, Zodgrod herds his notorious super runts into battle. This irascible loon is never happier than when wrangling especially large and rowdy foes, usually by peppering them with needles from his Squigstoppa Numba 5, then burying them in a rampaging horde of diminutive little monsters.
Lead your Orks into battle with the legendary Runtherd, Zodgrod Wortsnagga. Not only is he a great force multiplier for your Gretchin, but he can help to put enemy Monsters in their place, and he wears an incredibly fashionable hair squig to boot. As with all Beast Snaggas, he’s a handful in close combat, and his special grabba will surprise more than a few enemies.
This 12-piece plastic kit makes one Zodgrod Wortsnagga and is supplied with a 50mm Citadel round base.
This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
Squighog Boyz $60
Bipedal wrecking balls that charge ahead of the Ork lines, Smasha Squigs live in a state of near permanent concussion thanks to their tendency to headbutt everything. Only the surliest and most aggressive Orks can wrangle them towards enemy lines, but the resulting impact of a charging unit of Squighog Boyz is worth it as they crumple metal, flesh, and bone alike.
If their impressive charges weren’t enough, units of Squighog Boyz also hurl explosive, rokkit-propelled stikkas at their enemies, softening up any tough armour in the process. Behind each boy clings an unfortunate saddlegit, who pelts foes with anything it can get its grubby mitts on – while praying to Gork that they don’t end up being flung off and trampled in the process. Packs of Squighog Boyz are often accompanied by Bombsquigs – living weapons that demonstrate an alarming lack of self-preservation as they careen into the thick of combat before detonating with killer intent. If you need to crack a fortified enemy line or blow a hole in a phalanx of vehicles, look no further than this squig-powered maelstrom of carnage.
This kit builds one Nob on Smasha Squig, three Squighog Boyz, and one Bomb Squig. The Nob can be built wielding either a slugga or a big choppa, with the other option mounted on the squig’s back. Other cosmetic options let you customize your Nob on Smasha Squig with a choice of two heads and two pauldrons.
The Squighog Boyz are armed with rokkit-propelled stikkas, and many of their limbs – and those of their mounts – have been replaced with bionic enhancements.
The kit is comprised of 104 plastic components which allows you to assemble one Nob on Smasha Squig, three Squighog Boyz, and one Bomb Squig, and is supplied with 1x 90mm Oval Base, 3x 75mm Round Base, and 1x 25mm Round Base. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
Beastboss $35
The Beastboss is the overall leader of a Beast Snaggas mob, leading from the front and crushing the choicest prey between the serrated teeth of his Beastclaw. As the foremost authority within the warband, it’s his job to interpret the visions of the Wurrboyz and direct the mob towards its next hunt.
Thanks to the uncountable scars and bionic replacements earned over a long life wrangling the most vicious monsters in the galaxy, Beastbosses are hardy individuals able to withstand extreme punishment while cutting their way through enemy lines. The natural authority they have over their fellow Beast Snaggas drives the mob onwards into combat and ignites its fury once prey comes within choppa reach.
This kit comprises 22 plastic components with which you can assemble one Ork Beastboss, and is supplied with 1x Citadel 50mm Round Base. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
Ork Beast Snagga Boyz $50
Many Orks dedicate themselves to the pursuit of one obsession over all others, which for the Beast Snaggas is the thrill of the hunt. Their gnarled and scarred appearance speaks of a lifetime spent wrangling horrific beasts and tackling the largest foes they can find, dragging down their prey before hacking them to pieces with brutal choppas. Beast Snagga Boyz take to the battlefield on foot in great roiling mobs, overwhelming enemy lines in a tide of primal, unsophisticated violence.
This kit builds 10 Beast Snagga Boyz, a strong and tough Troops choice for your Ork army. As the foot troops of the Beast Snaggas subkultur, they are perfect for advancing across the battlefield in a solid wall of muscle and belligerence, ploughing directly into your opponent’s forces. The Boyz are armed with sluggas and choppas, while one may be assembled as the Nob unit leader with a power snappa. One Beast Snagga Boy also has the option of being built with a thump gun, a crude weapon firing explosive cannonball-like shells into enemy ranks.
This set comprises 87 plastic components and is supplied with 10x Citadel 32mm Round Bases and 1x Ork Transfer Sheet. These miniatures are supplied unpainted and require assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.
Big’ed Bossbunka $65
Ork warbosses are usually stationary for only two reasons. One is when they are giving an enemy – or an unlucky grot – a good hiding, and the other is when they are shouting at their Boyz to give the foe a good krumpin’. The Big’ed Bossbunka provides the perfect place to holler from given its bosspole, which is outfitted with a very loud PA system.
Constructed from the head of a repurposed Ork Gargant, the Big’ed Bossbunker gives your Warboss a way of directing the many rowdy Boyz under his command. If they misbehave, or if anyone attempts to unseat the Warboss, they will need to contend with a slew of shots from the Big’ed Bossbunker’s big shoota and the Gaze of Gork – a weapon constructed from a jet engine that has been bashed into one of the Gargant’s eyes.
This multi-part plastic kit is comprised of 27 components, and can be assembled into one Big’ed Bossbunker. This miniature is supplied unpainted and requires assembly – we recommend using Citadel Plastic Glue and Citadel paints.