Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Custodes Telemon Fight!

Goatboy here with a Custodes list that will walk its way to victory, one flattened enemy at a time.
Really, I blame a client on why I am writing this list up. This is what happens when you have to build and paint 3 Telemon Dreadnoughts and magnetize a ton of their weapon options. These guys seem alright with some awesome upgrades and powerful abilities. Plus – this army is under 20 models which makes it perfect to fly around with. Your games will have to be very tight movement wise and good terrain will help you stick around as your bullies run around the tabletop. Without further ado, I present:
Trajan Valoris & the Telemon Trio
Custodes Battalion – 0CP
Trajann – 190pts
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike – Warlord – Superior Creation, Relic – Auric Aquilas, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher, Captain Commander – Indomitable Constitution (-1CP) – 178pts
Shield-Captain on Dawneagle Jetbike – Relic (-1CP) – Eagle’s Eye, Misericordia, Salvo Launcher – 178pts
Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Terminator Armour – Misericordia, Vexilla Magnifica – 128pts
Sagittarius Custodians X 3 – Misericordia X 3 – 159pts
Sagittarius Custodians X 3 – Misericordia X 3 – 159pts
Sagittarius Custodians X 3 – Misericordia X 3 – 159pts
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought – Telemon Caestus/Twin Plasma Projector X 2, Eternal Penitent (-1CP) – 280pts
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought – Telemon Caestus/Twin Plasma Projector X 2, Eternal Penitent (-1CP) – 280pts
Telemon Heavy Dreadnought – Telemon Caestus/Twin Plasma Projector X 2, Eternal Penitent (-1CP) – 280pts
PTS: 1991 CP: +7
Golden Tactics
Most likely I would go -4 CP to get Victor of the Blood Games on each of the Shield Captains and away this army goes. This is all about bullies and pain coming at your opponent as you utilize the -1 to hit to protect the Telemons, their -1 to Damage, and a lot of attacks they can dish out if someone gets too close. You can read all about why these ultimate bullies are rising to the top of the 40K meta right here.
You have very little margin for error with such a lot model count, but each and every model will be a struggle for your opponent to bring down. There are no “weak links” in the list.The Sagittarius are meant to hold the backfield as needed and just try to give you some scoring as the rest of the army’s plan is to be tough and stay tough. Hey it is a 16 model count army that isn’t Knights so go me!
For the Emperor!