Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Stomping & Rolling Death Guard

Goatboy here with my heavy metal Death Guard list that might just be going to the GW New Orleans tournament!
I am currently planning on bringing a new Grey Knight army for the NOLA GW event in a few weeks. It is almost built and I am doing some paint experiment and will decide from there if I need to finish it up. Thus I need a backup army that either needs very little work or I have mostly done. This is the first of my backup armies – a Death Guard mission army designed to try and play the game and not just go stomp people. It biggie backs off of my Rhino discussion from earlier in the week.
Best of all – it is one dang Battalion just like GW likes. Plus it only has Plague Marines in it – no needy Poxwalkers or Cultists. It does run Terminators and some FW so I am not a complete fluff bunny.
Goatboy’s Backup Armylist #1 – Death Guard Rhino One Pot Recipe
Death Guard Battalion – 0CP
Plague Company – The Inexorable
Death Guard Chaos Lord – Chainsword/Bolt Pistol, Warlord – Ferric Blight – 85pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – Psychic – Miasma, Gift of Contagion – 95pts
Blightlord Terminators X 5 – Combi-Bolter/Blight Axe X 3, Reaper Autocannon/Blight Axe, Flail of Corruption – 210pts
Blightlord Terminators X 5 – Combi-Bolter/Blight Axe X 3, Reaper Autocannon/Blight Axe, Flail of Corruption – 210pts
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Twin Volkite Culverin X 2 – 150pts
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Twin Volkite Culverin X 2 – 150pts
Chaos Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Twin Volkite Culverin X 2 – 150pts
Tallyman – Relic – Tollkeeper, Plaguechosen (-1CP) – Arch Contaminator – 70pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
Plague Marines X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Sigil of Decay – 125pts
-Dedicated Transport-
Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 85pts
Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 85pts
Rhino – Combi-Bolter X 2 – 85pts
Pts: 2000 CP: +8
Infectious Tactics
This is a pretty simple army – you move to the center, put your boxes in the way, and try to throw Bolters at people. The Terminators help clean up a bit and you can throw Ferric Blight on a Rhino to rush it forward as needed. The 3 Dreads gives you the long range firepower to do some damage as needed. It is a pretty simple list and I can play most missions this way – whether it is throwing Banners on things, Engage some fronts, or just be a pain in the butt. Plus there isn’t any big units so blasts can eat it.
For Mortarion!