Grey Knights: Clan of the Foot – Goatboy’s All Infantry Armylist

An all Infantry Grey Knight army from Goatboy? Here comes the pain.
Goatboy here with a Grey Knight list that is just a ton of infantry. I thought – why not get as many as you can and see what you can build out. Will it work?
Maybe it has the ability to throw out a ton of damage and a lot of bodies to throw around. You can combat squad them all to your heart’s content and go all over the table with Teleports, Warp Shaping, and what not. I won’t pick a brotherhood, warlord trait, or relic as this is just a points idea list.
I am sure there are small things that can be tweaked to get this working. I would expect a full foot list might do well with the Rapiers as project throw a Strike Squad or two at something seems pretty good. Plus it has a surprise Flamer option from a Purgation squad.
Grey Knight Battalion – 0CP
Draigo – 180pts
Brother-Captain – 110pts
Brotherhood Chaplain – 110pts
Strike Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 230pts
Strike Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 230pts
Strike Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 230pts
Inceptor Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 250pts
Inceptor Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 250pts
Inceptor Squad X 10 – Psycannon X 2 – 250pts
Purgation Squad X 5 – Incinerator X 4 – 110pts
Pts: 1950 CP: 12-9 depending on how many Warlord Traits/Relics you want to do.
Yup – we have 65 Old sized Marines on the table plus 3 characters. The other thought would be to drop one of the Inceptor Squads and get 2 more Purgation guys with Flamers or something else.
It is still a lot of bodies you can throw on the table, shuffle around with spells, and watch them go ape into a big monster and cause a ton of mortal wound damage if needed.
Simple, quick, and effective – what do you think of this all foot Grey Knight list?