MTG: Midnight Hunt Spoilers Have Us Seeing Red

Alright spoiler season is officially open for Midnight Hunt, and we’re seeing red–mono red, specifically, because we’re digging through the red ones today.
Midnight Hunt is here, and though this one is all about werewolves, today is something of a crimson preview because we’re taking a look at a swath of spoilerriffic red MTG cards, ready to burn, ramp, and basically do everything good red cards should do.
Let’s dive right on in.
First up, Village Watch, which transforms into Village Reavers.
And then there’s Famished Foragers, who are there to prove that even when it’s all about werewolves, vampires will have their say. No wonder the two constantly fight. These vampires are “famished” and are “foragers” but uh, look at how fabulous they are.
Red is all about fire and where there’s fire there’s often brimstone, especially in Magic. So the Brimstone Vandal here is ready to do exactly that, giving you a way to make it day if you need to, and extra damage every time it cycles.
Speaking of things that flip when it’s day and night, here’s the Tavern Ruffian…
…who is SURLY at night!
Red is fantastic at burning, and with a good fireball-alike, you can really light up the night.
The other thing that red does is cast a lot of spells, and the more you keep casting the more Festival Crasher likes to grow.
And like any good mono-red deck, we splash just a little bit of green for Tovolar, Dire Overlord or Midnight Scourge.
I’m just saying, sometimes mono red can have green in it. It’s a state of mind, more than anything.