Warhammer 40K: A Closer Look At The Ork Kill Rig

We got our hands on the Ork Kill Rig and it’s a BEAST of a kit!
The Orks are getting some amazing kits with the new Beast Snagga Orks and the Kill Rig is no exception! Curious about the contents? Want to see the built model? We got you covered.
Kill Rig – Mad Max Orks At Their Finest
Where to start?! This kit is crazy for sure. I got to assemble it and the actual build went relatively fast. The Squig and the “vehicle” part of the Kill Rig went together faster than the Orks and their turrets. Assembly wise, there weren’t a ton of crazy tough things to build. I would warn you to be extra careful with the longer, thin cable bits – I snapped one when I was trying to clean it and had to glue it back together.
Also, there was one bit (I can’t remember if it was #74 or #77) which was mis-numbered in the instructions…So be aware of that. I wish I had written that down but I was kind of in a rush to complete the kit. But other than the thin cables and the mis-numbering, it was a pretty easy kit to build. As always, I used plastic glue, a good set of hobby snips, and a sharp hobby knife while I assembled it.
One of the neat things about this kit is that you can choose NOT to glue down the turrets and have them more “mobile” on the model. The front turret in particular can basically fit in any of the holes and you can position it as you’d like. You don’t have to glue the turrets into their “seats” either – not that it really matters in 9th edition in terms of game rules. But it’s a nice feature for hobbyists out there looking to position the guns for photos or what-not.
There’s a ton of really cool details all over this kit. It’s really a painter’s dream to work on. You probably want to build this kit in sub-assemblies (like we did) and not glue down the various Orks before you paint them. It’s just going to make it easier to get in there and paint the other bits all over the place.
The kit can also be built as a Hunta Rig – it really just depends on how you want to use the various bits. We opted for the Kill Rig because (rules-wise) it seemed like the better option. Personally, I’m excited to see if this kit does end up in ork lists as it’s going to look wild on the tabletop.
The Kill Rig is a crazy mix of the ‘Mad Max’ orky ingenuity and more beastial vibes of the Beast Snagga orks. I think it’s one of those kits that is going to grow on me the more I look at it. The thing is weird! It’s got a big ol’hog of a Squig pulling it but it’s a haphazard orky ‘vehicle’ at the same time. Does that make it a chariot? A wagon? A monster? I think the answer is ‘yes’ which is kind of a perfect fit for the orks.
If you want to get a Kill Rig of your own it’s available for pre-order now and should be in stores this weekend.
Kill Rig $125
“Few sounds are as terrifying as the cacophony of hollering, clattering, and stomping that heralds the arrival of an Ork Kill Rig. Packed with savage Orks and pulled by a colossal tramplasquig, these ramshackle constructions are mobile death platforms, outfitted with all manner of weapons. From atop the wurrtower at the back of the rig, a Wurrboy can survey the battlefield, firing out powerful bolts of psychic energy at Ork and enemy alike. Alongside this psychic amplifier, the Kill Rig also carries a crew, including a driver, gunners, and Butcha Boyz, and is outfitted with a ‘eavy lobba and stikka kannon for maximum destruction.
This rickety war platform is the perfect centrepiece for any Ork Waaagh! thanks to the many powerful melee and ranged weapons it lets you bring to bear. It also makes an ideal transport for units of Beast Snagga Boyz and an excellent mobile command post for a Wurrboy.
This multipart plastic kit is comprised of 111 pieces, allowing you to build one Kill Rig. The multiple emplacements on the rig can be mounted in a number of different places. This kit also comes with a 170mm Citadel Oval base. Alternatively, this kit can be built as a Hunta Rig with a separate Wurrboy. “
I can’t think of anything MORE orky.