Age of Sigmar: Stormcast and Orruk Warclans FAQs Out Now
Oh hey, would you look at what popped-up. We’ve got FAQs for the Stormcast Eternals and Orruk Warclans out today.
Yesterday, I may have pointed out that the Stormcast and Orruk FAQs were a little overdue. And when I checked the FAQ page today guess what got an update:
Hmm. Well how about that. I guess screaming into the void works…very, very rarely. But in all seriousness, if I had to guess, GW probably had the FAQs on ice and someone just forgot to publish them about 2 weeks ago. I have no idea but the good news is that they are out now. So let’s take a look!
Age of Sigmar: Core Rules FAQ
Thanks to the handy power of the Magenta, we can quickly see what’s changed…and it’s not a lot but it is important:
That’s it – those are all three changes. The important thing is that if an ability DOES allow you to use a the same command more than once in a the same phase, you CAN use that to use Redeploy or Unleash Hell. Just remember that a unit can only receive a single order per phase. You’d need multiple targets to use the command more than once.
 Stormcast Eternals FAQ
This one is a bit more info but it’s VERY barebones. This is what makes me think that GW had this on ice and forgot to get them out there. The Cycle of the Storm ability has some strange interactions which I’ll get into later – I was personally hoping that GW would clarify a few things about it before I had to point it out. For now, from my reading of this update to it, Cycle of the Storm no longer prevents Overkill Wounds from killing the model now. It’s just a complex way to prevent 1 damage to a unit.
The Errata changes are just good clean-up, no issues there.
Orruk Warclans FAQ
The Orruk Warclans FAQ is also relatively short and sweet. Sorry, Kragnos does NOT benefit from the army allegiance abilities. Gordrakk is one of those units that can issue the same order multiple times – but again, you have to have multiple targets for the same order. Same with the Megaboss on Maw-krusha and the Megaboss, too.
Well, at least we got an FAQ. I do hope that GW will update the FAQs again once the rest of the models hit the tabletop and players get some time playing with these models. I’m sure there are going to be even more questions that arise from these two books. And hey, there’s no reason GW can’t issue an FAQ update to these books – that’s kind of the idea, right?!
The FAQs are out…and at least it’s something to go on.