As ‘Smash Bros. Ultimate’ Final DLC Fighter Looms, Fans Speculate Over Leaks

The last Smash invitation is released tomorrow and with leaks circulating, fans aren’t sure if they are ready.
With the Smash Bros. Ultimate roster reaching its final form, there have been tons of rumors and supposed leaks circulating around and everyone’s got their own thoughts on the matter. We’re going to discuss leaks and maybe spoilers. So read at your own discretion.
The list goes on of potential hopefuls: Master Chief, Crash, Geno, Waluigi, or even that one time Sakurai made a Terminator 2 reference and everybody lost their minds.
— 桜井 政博 / Masahiro Sakurai (@Sora_Sakurai) August 24, 2021
But there’s one hopeful that seems to have a little more going for him than the rest. And when I say “little”, I mean it. Back in July, a 4chan post asserted that Sora from Kingdom Hearts would be coming to Smash. Take anything from 4chan with a grain of salt, but what’s giving fans pause is the fact that anon got the date exactly right.
This is certainly interesting, but is also contradicted by senior editor for Game Informer, Imran Kahn, who had previously stated in a 2020 Kinda Funny Gamescast [28:19] that Disney Japan blocked an attempt to get Sora into Smash. “They absolutely approached Disney about [getting Sora into Smash] once,” Khan said, then when asked to confirm it was Disney Japan who blocked the attempt, he added, “Yes, Disney Japan specifically.”
The speculations run rampant and ultimately we all just have to it sit and wait. The final fighter DLC reveal will happen during the Smash direct on October 5th at 10AM ET.
No matter who the final fighter ends up being, we can all agree no less than half the fans will be upset about it.
Who do you think it will be?
I’m holding out hope for Gex.