D&D: An Adventurer’s Guide to the Village of Hommlet

The Temple of Elemental Evil is one of the most infamous dungeons in D&D. And roght next door? An idyllic, sleepy village.
If you make your way to the south eastern part of the Vicounty of Verbobonc, ten leagues south-east of the city of Verbobonc, and east of the Lortmil Mountains (just west of the Gnarley Forest) within the Kron Hills, you’ll find the village of Hommlet, built on a crossroads between Verbobonc and the Wild Coast. And not far off, one of the deadliest dungeons in Greyhawk.
Hommlet was a small, but thriving village. It grew from a humble collection of farms. Through the years, roads brought travelers. As a result, merchant wagons followed. And soon temporary markets became a more permanent fixture.
As Hommlet grew, it catered to more travelers. Fixtures like the Inn of the Welcome Wench, both a wheel- and wainwright, helped expand the reputation. All this, despite being very near one of the most evil places in all of Greyhawk.
In the year 566 CY, Hommlet attracted the attention of thieves, bandits, kobolds, and goblins raiding the prosperous merchant caravans, and vulnerable flocks and herds. In the midst of all of this, an evil cleric established an evil chapel that steadily attracted more and more followers, eventually boasting a grim and forbidding fortress. This whole complex would come to be known as the Temple of Elemental Evil, which was home to gnolls, bugbears, ogres, trolls, giants, and many evil humans.
The Village of Hommlet endured many a misfortune from the nearby temple as it suffered through earthquakes, storms, fires, and floods. Unbeknownst to all a demoinc force grew in the bottom of the temple. But a great host came to battle it, and an evil demonic presence was sealed away.
Despite the decade or so of troubles, Hommlet continues to be a propserous village. It features a druid grove, a temple to St. Cuthbert, and even Ehlonna and Pelor are drawing worship from this place. Though Hommlet is a humble town, it is of great importance to the world of Greyhawk. As it was from here that adventurers were able to launch delves into the Temple of Elemental Evil and if not for this humble village, Zuggtmoy, the demon queen of fungi, would have overwhelmed all of Greyhawk with rot and decay.
Happy Adventuring!