D&D: WotC Unveils New Book For March 2022 – Title Coming This Week

Wizards of the Coast revealed their first (planned) 2022 release is coming March 15th, with a title coming later this week.
After announcing new shipping delays and releasing an Unearthed Arcana packed with space aliens from the glory days of TSR, Wizards of the Coast have teased the reveal of a new book tomorrow. And once more, though the title listing is in place, the big details like title, cover image, or a product description are nowhere to be found.
Despite Amazon only having a very short product page for pre-ordering the book there’s still quite a bit we know about the upcoming release.
Thanks to Amazon, we know the placeholder title: March 2022 Title (announced October 12th), as well as the release date: March 15th, and the price: $49.95. We also know that last month, during the “Future of D&D panel” D&D’s principal story designer, Chris Perkins, revealed that the first book of 2022 will take us “to a new place we’ve never been before.” Which gives some pause to the theory that this is the product that will include the various Spelljammer races currently being play-tested in Unearthed Arcana.
Though, it’s worth pointing out, the timing is right for a Multiverse Traveller UA to feed into a book due out in a few short months, it seems as though this upcoming book could be something else entirely. Especially since Perkins promises the new setting will be a “wonderful and scary place.”
Either way, we’ll know more tomorrow, so be sure and check back fore more details as soon as they release.
Happy Adventuring!