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Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Black Templars Ground-Pounding Crusaders!

3 Minute Read
Oct 14 2021

Goatboy here with a mean ground-pounding Black Templars army to kick off the new codex!

This week sees the new Black Templar box come out for those players who wanted another easy to paint Black Templar army.  I find the army interesting in that I can build big 20 man Crusader units so expect to see that showing up in my build.  I also want to limit myself to Primaris options too – so that means looking at not all the fun options that might be the best for a Marine player (Drop Pod, Body Guards, Multi-Melta, Vanguard Vets).   I expect to utilize a few Chaplains as well so expect a lot of rousing litanies to bring the battlefield to their knees.

Here’s my initial list to test out the crusaders!

Black Templars – Version 1 – Crusader Force

-Battalion- 0CP

Chaplain Grimaldus – Litany of Hate, Litany of Divine Protection, Psalm of Remorseless Persecution, 140pts
High Marshal Helbrecht – Warlord – 160pts
The Emperor’s Champion – Warlord Trait – Master of Arms (-1CP) – 100pts

Primaris Crusader Squad – 11 Initiates (7 – Chainsword/Heavy Bolt Pistol, 4 Powerfist), 8 Neophytes (Shotgun), Relic Bearer – Sigismund’s Seal, 1 Sword Brother – 416pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 120pts
Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 120pts

Bladeguard Veterans X 6 – Icon of Heinmann – 225pts
Judicar – 85pts
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Twin Volkite Culverin X 2 – 150pts
Relic Contemptor Dreadnought (-1CP) – Twin Volkite Culverin X 2 – 150pts


Patrol – -2CP

Primaris Chaplain on Bike – Litany of Hate, Oath of Glory, Relic – Ancient Breviary – 115pts
Primaris Lt – Mastercrafted Powersword/SS/Neo-Volkite, Relic – Master Crafted Weapon (-1CP) – 90pts

Infiltrator Squad X 5 – 120pts

PTs: 1992 CP: 6

Crusader Tactics

Pretty simple army – you use your zealous idiots to move to the middle, cover objectives and boost them up.  The Contemptor Dreadnoughts will give you some needed long range firepower and you use the Infiltrators to help cover, get objectives, and play the game. While you have that covered, the Chaplains all can do Litanies pretty well so you should be able to boost up and use your characters to go punch things to death.


Last but certainly not least, the ground-pounding list should also play fast which is pretty awesome.

~Uphold the Honour of the Emperor

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