Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Death Guard Poxwalker Horde Wants BRAINZ!

Typhus and his Poxwalker playthings, might be able to take the Death Guard to victory in the current 40K meta.
I have been toying around with a list that is trying to forgo the old Death Guard Daemon Engine build. I want this list to push into what I think might be a nice meta game choice in the current environment. Being able to score objectives seems powerful especially with a list that doesn’t care too much. Plus you can bog things down with Poxwalkers, counter charge with terminators, or just mortal wound them as everything is stuck in. Plus – it should play pretty rough as it moves up the table and covers the board.
Here is the list for those to see – and let’s build it to see what works.
Poxwalkers Want BRAINZ!
Death Guard Battalion – 0CP
Army of Renown – Terminus Est Assault Force
Plague Company – Harbringers
Typhus – Warlord – Shamblerot, Harbringer of Death, Psychic – Lungrot, Pernicious Dose – 165pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – Miasma of Pestilence, Curse of the Leper – 95pts
Malignant Plaguecaster – Rotwind, Noxious Discharge – 95pts
Blightlord Terminators X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Reaper Autocannon – 210pts
Blightlord Terminators X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Reaper Autocannon – 210pts
Blightlord Terminators X 5 – Flail of Corruption, Reaper Autocannon – 210pts
Deathshroud Terminators X 3 – 150pts
Deathshroud Terminators X 3 – 150pts
Foetid Virion
Tallyman – Relic – Tollkeeper, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – Arch Contaminator – 70pts
Foulblight Spawn – Relic (-1CP) – Revolting Stench-Vats – 75pts
Biologus Putrifier – Relic (-1CP) – Plague Skull – 65pts
Poxwalkers X 20 – 100pts
Poxwalkers X 20 – 100pts
Poxwalkers X 20 – 100pts
Poxwalkers X 20 – 100pts
Poxwalkers X 20 – 100pts
PTs: 1995 CP: 9
Shambling Tactics
It is a 100 plus poxwalker bodies that while squishy they do take a while to get thru. Then you have the fat boyz that can come in behind them via deep strike and just wreck shop as needed. You can also throw out a lot of mortal wounds with powers too. I don’t know if a flying Daemon Prince might be better to help versus flyers but for this list I just want to go as simple as I can.
This is one of those armies I almost have right now due to going hog wild as soon as Poxwalkers came out. I bought a crap ton and most likely have enough to finish this off if I really wanted to drag that many models around the board. Also, Typhus gets to come out and play – which is always a treat.
Will this win? Sure but it is probably very very ugly.