Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – Practice Makes Perfect with Grey Knights

Goatboy here with my new and improved thoughts and list for kicking butt with Grey Knights.
As you know a few weeks ago I played the New Orleans GW event with my 6 Dreadknight list. I had a lot of fun and did alright even with some mistakes. The mistakes was really down to not knowing how to play the list, not knowing enough of the army, and just not playing a lot. Still it worked out well and while I might play it again I think I want to shift some things around after experiencing the fun of pushing 6 baby Carriers around.
Forgetting all the movement tricks with Interceptors was a huge loss for me. I also messed up and got greedy on turns and lost 3 points from a Grind when I could have won the game by a few points instead of losing by 2. These things are all part of the practice part of the game with just picking right secondary’s, not forgetting the primary mission, and just remembering all my dang rules.
First of all – I need to practice with this list once or twice before going to my next event (GW Austin event). I am hoping to get at least one game in after I complete my army update. This is the important thing as I feel bad if the army isn’t painted when I play it. I know it is something others feel too but I need to have happen to let me get into the zone to play the army. But I really enjoyed the list and think it has some merit to run in this Ad-Mech/DE meta. I think it has a better play versus DE but will see what happens whenever the Nerfs come.
The New List
But here is the new list and why I shifted things. I decided to go with 5 Dreadknights versus 6. It lets me get an extra character that can help heal my robot dudes. I dropped the big Strike squad as well – which while good I could just have a bunch of 5 man units to do the same thing. This also lets me have more CP which can be useful for Shunts and some other reroll abilities that I forgot about during the matches. I also think the Swordbearers option was not nearly as amazing as I wanted and decided to just got Prescient Brethren with Rapiers to allow for a nice bit of power as needed.
Grey Knights Battalion – 0CP
Brotherhood – Prescient Brethren
Brother Captain – Psychic Warp Shaping – 110pts
Brotherhood Techmarine – Relic – Aetheric Conduit, Psychic – Gate of Infinity – 80pts
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight Armor – Exemplar of the Silver Host, Nemesis Greatsword, Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Psilencer, Warlord Trait (-1CP) -Unyielding Anvil, Psychic – Gate of Infinity, Empyric Amplification – 225pts
Strike Squad X 5 – Nemesis Force Sword X 4, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 120pts
Strike Squad X 5 – Nemesis Force Sword X 4, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 120pts
Strike Squad X 5 – Nemesis Force Sword X 4, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 120pts
Interceptor Squad X 10 – Nemesis Force Sword X 9, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 250pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Psilencer, Dreadknight Teleporter – 185pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Psilencer, Dreadknight Teleporter – 185pts
Nemesis Dreadknight – Heavy Psycannon, Heavy Psilencer, Dreadknight Teleporter – 185pts
Grey Knights Patrol – -2CP
Brotherhood Techmarine – Psychic – Warp Shaping – 80pts
Grand Master in Nemesis Dreadknight Armor – Psychic – Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, Nemesis Greatsword, Warlord – Inescapable Wraith, Warlord Trait (-1CP) – First to the Fray, Dreadknight Teleporter – 215pts
Strike Squad X 5 – Nemesis Force Sword X 4, Nemesis Daemon Hammer – 120pts
PTS: 1995 CP: 7
Tactics of Titan
Pretty simple build out that gives me more utility for the Dreadknights, two can hit +2 to hit if needed with the Tech Marines, and I add a Reroll 1’s to wound with the Brotherhood Captain. I also went with that model as it will give me a +1 to cast if I need to make sure I get off those Gates. I will see if Divination is better for the one Warlord to gain 2 CP a turn but it is something to test – if I get to test it. I just need to paint a few more characters and a 5 man strike squad if I want to try and shift the army around.
For the Emperor!