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Marvel’s Elektra And Psylocke Team-Up For An Amazing Cosplay

4 Minute Read
Oct 1 2021

She’s teaming up to hunt for those who have wronged her.

She stalks through the streets, routing out the evil that lies within. Using any means necessary, Elektra Natchios is an assassin with a deadly mission- to avenge her father and to mourn that which was taken from her. In one fatal night, her life changed forever.


Elektra Natchios is a comic character shrouded in mystery, one who always forges her own path. Known for her ruthless mercenary ways and her wicked pair of Sai, she has swept through the Marvel Comic world- usually leaving destruction in her wake. She has appeared in comics such as Daredevil, Wolverine, Thunderbolts and her own Elektra comic.

Elektra is strong, dynamic, and determined to go her own way. She flits in and out of other storylines but always remains focused on the mission in front of her. She is a fierce assassin who has won the hearts of audiences in comics, movies, and even the recent Netflix version of Daredevil. Today we celebrate this epic crimson warrior with today’s comicbook Elektra Cosplay feature!

Nikki Lee Cosplay


I am Elektra Natchios. Not even the stars are safe in the sky.”


Do you see now, Matt? I loved poppa–and so he died. He had to die. I was a part of him. They killed him to show me this.”



I am Elektra, the assassin. To look upon me……is to see the end of life.”


Then let them come. And I will kill them. I will kill them all.”



Get up. You and I are taking a trip. Into Bullseye’s mind…”


” The Fist had bigger plans than assassination. More organized, and more central… they wish to bring down the United States.”


These guns and killer androids have to be coming from someone. Someone who doesn’t want me embroiled in their affairs. I was set to walk away. Their mistake. “



” You don’t always have to be like Matt to be Daredevil… but sometimes… it couldn’t hurt to try.”


You’re a test, aren’t you? The universe heard me say I’d try. Try Matthew’s way. And then you crawled from your hole and killed dozens of innocent people. You’re the test I’d gladly fail.”



“Do you usually define women by the men they were once associated with?”


“Your friend is dead, Ben Urich. Move or speak — and you will join him.”


~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
  • Cosplay: Obi-Wan Kenobi Is Our Only Hope