Monsterpocalypse: Open the Door, Get on the Floor, Everybody Walk the Terrasaur!

I’ve finished painting the full Terrasaurs faction! Come check them out!
Let’s start with the newest release: Tyrranix. I made sure to include some bright colors in my Terrasaurs, but there are a lot of more subdued earthy tones as well.
The original, the legend, Terra Khan!
Armodax is a big lumbering brute, but I like to imagine him as rather placid when the Monsterpocalypse hasn’t got him all riled up. He probably sleeps most of the time, waking occasionally to stuff his gob with giant mouthfuls of trees.
I saved my favorite for last. I like to think that Pteradax is just rampaging around looking for the tallest building she can find to build a nest in. Then she’ll sit on her eggs and shriek deafeningly at the sky for no good reason. I think Pteradax is canonically male but has anyone really gone down there to check? I doubt it.
Is this Pteradactix one of her babies, or a different species altogether?
I had to paint a nice big mob of Carnidons given how brutal they are. The special Elite one is mixed in there, but there are better pictures of it here.
The Bellowers aren’t quite as impressive, but their Disruption ability makes them useful to have around.
Raptix are also not as impressive fighters as their Carnidon brethren, but their mobility makes them much more useful for grabbing zones.
And of course, I needed at least two Spikodons for powerful Explosion Blast attacks.
Last up is the Brontox who can be really tough to kill and will help you spawn those slow-moving Carnidons further up the battlefield.
~Hope you enjoyed the article! Do other people like to try to fill out their collections with all the faction models, or do you prefer to just buy the most useful ones for your Agenda?