Monsterpocalypse: Painting Earth Knight, Phobos 7, and Elite Units

I’ve finished up some more new Monsterpocalypse releases!
Earth Knight was a really exciting model to paint for a few reasons. This Green Fury Monster is built on from destroyed remains of G.U.A.R.D. Monster Laser Knight. Laser Knight was in the previous version of the game (the one with the pre-painted plastic minis) and I’d been hoping they’d had a good reason for taking such a cool model out of the game.
I really hoped he’d show up again working for the Green Fury, and I’m so glad he did. In this version, I’d imagined he’d have been fitted with the parts of other “missing” monsters… maybe scooting around on the tracks of Mecha Cthugrosh or something like that. But we can’t get everything we want.
He was also just a fun piece to paint with lots of room for textures and different weird color choices. At first, I was tempted to just redo the color scheme I’d used on all my G.U.A.R.D. models. But in the end, I decided to get a little more random. I guess the Green Fury has had to replace his armor a few times with whatever sheet metal they could salvage from the scrapyard.
Phobos was a completely different animal. I went for a much cleaner more unified appearance with this high-tech Martian monstrosity.
Next, I have the first wave of Elite Units. This Elite Carnidon is extra grumpy!
Perfect for leading a pack of chompy dinos.
And here’s an Elite Assault Ape ready to bring the pain!
This Elite Exo-Suit has been upgraded with lots of crazy extra weapons.
He really stands out from the rest of the pack.
This is not only the first Chomper I’ve painted but the first planet eater. I’ll have to add more variation to the monsters whenever I get around to them.
An Elite Reaper to match Phobos.
And last of all the Elite Snatcher. I had a hard time really figuring out what to do with him. I like the color scheme overall and I’m excited to see it on the monsters, but this guy’s face and hands are so tiny I feel like I wasn’t really able to make them pop. And maybe I should go back and add a mucus trail following behind those tentacles…
~Hope you enjoyed the article! Who else grabbed the upgraded Elite Units?