MTG: Count Dracula Swears A Crimson Vow

Get out your wooden stakes–some of the first Crimson Vow spoilers are in, and the infamous Count Dracula is among them.
Mere days before Halloween the first of the Crimson Vow spoilers arrive. And with them we get a glimpse of one of the most infamous vampires, Count Dracula himself coming to Magic: the Gathering. Now, mind you, this is very much an art/name only kind of promotional deal. But you’ll find characters from Bram Stoker’s vampire story sprinkled in as reimaginings of existing cards. In the same vein (pun intended, it’s always intended, even if it doesn’t seem intended it’s intended) as the Godzilla monsters were reimagined versions of Ikoria cards, so too is Count Dracula an alternate art/name version of Sorin Markov, for instance.
Why is all of this happening, you might ask? Well–the central conceit of Crimson Vow is the bloody wedding of two of Innistrad’s most powerful vampires. Olivia Voldaren, progenitor of the Voldaren bloodline has stolen the ancient progenitor of the original vampires on Innistrad, Edgar Markov and proposed a marriage uniting all in power.
Naturally, Sorin will have something to say about this–but we’ll have to find out what during the set. In the meantime, this whole affair is reimagined with the characters from Dracula. Including alternate cards for the Voldaren Estate, depicted here as Castle Dracula:
As well as a couple of vampire-hunting heroes in Abraham Van Helsing and Mina Harker:
Who might be better known as the Savior of Ollenbrock and Thalia, Guardian of Thraben. There’s even a mysterious blood illness (vampire’s vengeance) that echoes a passage right out of the book.
This is fangtastic stuff. Of course there are still plenty more Crimson Vow previews to work through, but these stand out as a little more literary looks into the world of vampires.
What do you think?