RPG: Paizo Voluntarily Recognizes New Union

One week after the workers at Paizo formed a union, the Pathfinder publisher has voluntarily recognized it, leading to the first TTRPG union.
Last week, on October 14th, the United Paizo Workers union was formed when more than 30 employees in a variety of departments organized and signed a letter announcing their plan. Now, one week later, Paizo has opted to voluntarily recognize the union, making the United Paizo Workers union the first official union in the tabletop RPG/board games industry.
Per an announcement from the organizing committee, Paizo has voluntarily recognized the workers and “the real work begins.”
As of today, Paizo leadership has voluntarily recognized our union! This is the first step in a long journey. Now that United Paizo Workers is officially representing Paizo employees, we get to elect a group of representatives to sit down with reps from Paizo’s executive team and the CWA to start negotiating. Voluntary recognition is an act of good faith on Paizo’s part. That’s cause for celebration!
Now the real work begins.
In order to enact major changes in the workplace, we need to negotiate our first contract with leadership. One of our goals is to increase wages to better match the cost of living, and that is likely to be the first topic we tackle.
Following last week’s announcement of our unionization, even more Paizo employees joined us. Now, we need to talk with our newer members and make sure all their voices are heard and represented.
You can join us in our adventure by engaging with us on social media or through our website, or by purchasing UPW merch. Watching our social media feeds flood with #UnionizePaizo, reading messages of support, and getting our UPW swag in the mail has been so amazing! You’ve all already done so much, and we can’t thank you enough for it. We ask for your continued support as we walk this road together.
In Solidarity,
United Paizo Workers