Warhammer 40K: New Sisters Novitiates Get A Free Datasheet Download

Did you want to run the new Adepta Sororitas Novitiates in your regular games of 40k? Now you can with this new datasheet download!
The Sisters are getting a new unit with the arrival of Kill Team: Chalnath and these minis are just staying in Kill Team. With the free download from Games Workshop you’ll be able to take them to the big tabletop of 40k!
“Despite a relative lack of experience, Novitiates are just as accurate in shooting as their full-fledged Battle Sister comrades – but it’s in melee combat where they truly shine. By swapping their autoguns for Novitiate melee weapons, they can swing three times when charging, with a crucial extra point of Strength to put the hurt on the likes of Drukhari raiders, smaller Tyranid bioforms, and other light targets. Not only that, their charges become more reliable when fighting under a sacred banner.”
Download Datasheet Here
These ladies are akin to Space Marine Scouts in a lot of ways. They are cheaper than their Battle Sister counterparts and while they can’t aim quite as well with their guns they are still potent in close-combat. Getting into close combat might be a challenge for them but at least they can take a Sacred Banner for some more reliable Advance and Charge rolls.
Don’t forget about busting out the Holy Rage on them either. That makes for some extra deadly close-combat attacks or it allows them to fall-back and still charge. That could be pretty handy in the right situation. For the points cost, I could see this unit being used as effective screen to setup that fall back and charge so your other Sisters can unload with their firepower.
Your first crack at these models in coming soon. Download the rules for them now and start working them into your lists today!