Warhammer 40K: This Week’s Meta Hotness – The Dakkajet

This unit might be flying under the raider, but it’s also winning events. It’s the Ork Dakkajet.
In the ever-shifting meta of 40K armies rise and fall. We’ve spent a lot of time talking about armies that are hot or not and a lot less time looking at units that are running the show. That changes today as we’re taking a look at one of the hottest units currently around the tabletop: the Dakkajet!
The Unit
The Dakkajet is an Ork flying gunship. One of a few flyer variants, the Dakkajet carries a ton of rapid fire weapons. It’s lighter guns excel at anti-infantry shooting, but sheer weight of fire allows it to take on heavier targets as well. This fragile-looking flyer is also surprisingly durable with T6 and W12.
Why They Are Good
The Dakkajet is a dedicated gunship, and as such doesn’t have a whole ton of tricky options. What it does have is a good amount of firepower. With up to six supa-shootas a single plane jet can put out 36 shots a turn. Given the range of the weapon and the speed of a Dakkajet its a trivial matter to get them within dakka range for the extra shots. Currently at only 120 pts (with extra supa-shootas) the Dakkajet pays about 3.3 points for shot, not much more than Guard pay per lasgun shot. While its guns aren’t amazing, they are just good enough at S6 and -1 AP to put the hurt on most units. They can wounded infantry with ease and are useful vs light vehicles.
Weapons alone of course don’t make a unit good. While the Dakkajet doesn’t have any super tricks, it does have a lot going for it. As a fast flyer it can go where it wants. 60 inch movement range with 36 range on its guns means you can’t hide from it either. This makes it a very annoying aircraft, that in numbers can deliver a lot of firepower at any point on the table. While it is not a super tough unit, the combination of hard-to-hit and the ramshackle makes it pretty hard to take down. It’s got 12 wounds and is really great at shugging off mass D2 attacks, which AA tends to favor. Overall, it’s a fast, decently deadly, and decently durable unit that is highly points efficient.
A Sample List
Saying a unit is hot is all well and good but let’s take a look at how players are using it. A lot of Ork lists have been running Dakkajet and have done well at recent events recently. One list that shows off the use of Dakkajet is Logan Heath’s list he ran to take 1st place at the recent SoCal Open.
Logan Heath- Socal
Ork Outrider Detachment (-3CP)
Kultur – Freebootaz
Defkilla Wartrike – Warlord – Junkboss – 120pts
Megatrakk Scrapjets – 90pts
Megatrakk Scrapjets – 90pts
Megatrakk Scrapjets – 90pts
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies – Nitro Squigs – 115pts
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies – 90pts
Rukkatrukk Squigbuggies – 90pts
-Heavy Support-
Mek Gunz – Kustom Mega Kannon – 45pts
Mek Gunz – Kustom Mega Kannon – 45pts
Dakkajet – Additional Supa Shoota X 2 – 120pts
Dakkajet – Additional Supa Shoota X 2 – 120pts
Ork Outrider Detachment (-3CP)
Kultur – Freebootaz
Big Mek in Mega Armor – Relic – Da Krushin Armour, Kustom Force Field, Kustom Mega-Blasta – 115pts
Kustom Boosta Blasta – 80pts
Shokkjump Dragstas – 85pts
Shokkjump Dragstas – 85pts
Warbikers X 3 – 75pts
Warbikers X 3 – 75pts
Warbikers X 3 – 75pts
-Heavy Support-
Mek Gunz – Kustom Mega Kannon – 45pts
Dakkajet – Additional Supa Shoota X 2 – 120pts
Wazbom Blastjet – Teleport Mega-Blastas X 2, Blastat Force Field, Supa Shoota X 2 – 230pts
Pts: 2000 CP: 6
Using the Unit
This list makes use of three Dakkajets, the maximum you can take. Combined, they provide a lot of firepower and can throw just over a hundred shots on any target they want. Supported by a heavier flyer they allow for a massive concentration of force at any point on the table, while also being annoyingly hard to kill. By taking Freebootaz as a Kultur they have easy access to a +1 to hit, making them even more effective and points efficient. Being able to call a Speedwaaagh! also buffs them with extra AP. With their speed its easy to use one of them to kill a weak enemy unit that is trying to hide. The addition of a Kustom Force Field also allows them to get an invulnerable save, especially on turn 1, to help keep them around just a little longer.
Let us know what units you think are hot right now, down in the comments!