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Adeptus Titanicus Adds Tiny Armigers To The Battlefield

2 Minute Read
Nov 15 2021

Awwww…they are so tiny and cute! If you’re looking to add some Armigers to your Knight House in Adeptus Titanicus — here you go!

One of the cool things about the models from Adeptus Titanicus is theĀ  fact that GW can squeeze so much detail into those kits. The Titans are obviously impressive in stature and have lots of cool details, but it’s the smaller units like the Knights that really deserve a second look. Now, the Armigers are pushing that envelope once again and they are kinda cute, too!

via Warhammer Community

“Despite their diminutive stature, these resin Forge World Knights are packed with crisp detail, just like their larger siblings. The Armigers (pictured above) come in two flavours, close-range Warglaives and dual-autocannon Helverins, and each kit lets you build two of the former and one of the latter.”

Seriously, those look really impressive when you consider the size. They look exactly like their larger 40k counter parts, but smaller:

The even have the same heads! These aren’t the only Armigers, either.


You’ll also be able to snag the Knights Moirax who come with two knights with double lightning locks and one other with a volkite venuglaire and gyges siege claw.

GW also provided a couple of pictures to show the scale of these Armiger off as well.

Pretty impressive, right? You know with Armigers around, we’re like a half-step away from Dreadnoughts…Maybe toss in some Land Raiders and other ground support units. Oh and then add in rules for Space Marine air support and we can REALLY play some Horus Heresy era Titan fights! Just tossing that out there.



What do you think of these Tiny but Mighty Armigers?

Author: Adam Harrison
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