Adeptus Titanicus: How Much Longer Until We See Space Marines Join The Fight?

Adeptus Titanicus is getting closer and closer to “ground units” – so how long will we have to wait until we see Space Marines on the Titanicus scale?
So coming to pre-order this weekend are cute and tiny Armigers. As mentioned previously, these aren’t that much larger than a Space Marine Dreadnought. It seems reasonable that Dreadnoughts could be introduced to the game along with a ton of other “tank” options to introduce a ground element to Adeptus Titanicus. This could be a logical next step in Adeptus Titanicus or used as a way to created an EPIC expansion for AT.
But it’s not JUST Dreadnoughts and ground units that could join the fray. Aeronautica Imperialis just released a bunch of plastic Space Marine flyers, too. And we’ve been saying that flyers in Adeptus Titanicus would be a great fit.
Obviously, we’d need new rules and probably new bases for those AI flyers…or not? (Make it work, GW!)
So how much longer until we see some sort of Space Marine Expansion for Adeptus Titanicus?
Why Space Marines?
Let’s not forget one key thing about Adeptus Titanicus: It’s set during the Horus Heresy. What other army played a prominent role in the Horus Heresy? Oh yeah…Space Marines. But this doesn’t just fit lore wise, it also fits from a game and production standpoint.
Think about it. There are 9 loyalist and 9 traitor legions. If GW came out with Space Marine options (more on that below), they’d just need to make a handful of kits to support 18 different armies! It’s the same line of thinking from the 40K Titan Legion perspective. Make a “generic” kit that can be used by any Titan Legion and you support ALL Titan legions with every new release.
It’s a “one kit, many armies” approach.
GW already has the air support for the Space Marines with AI. That’s a reboxing/repackaging away from being “Horus Heresy Era” appropriate. At least with the Thunderhawk and a few other options. Again, that’s flyer support for a potential 18 different armies. Dreadnoughts are a stone’s throw away, too.
It’s Like Knight Houses, But Smaller
Because the game is set in the Horus Heresy, GW could repurpose a TON of those Space Marine units from the Horus Heresy line and put them in Titanicus. Seriously, look at the options they could use from the Forge World site:
- Contemptor Dreadnoughts
- Leviathan Dreadnoughts
- Deredeo Dreadnoughts
- Mastadon Heavy Assault Transport
- Typhon Heavy Siege Tank
- Falchion Super Heavy Tank Destroyer
- Legion Fellblade
- Legion Glaive
- Spartan Assault Tank
- Deimos Pattern Predators, Rhinos, Whirlwinds, Vidicators…
- And So Many More…
Aeronautica Imperialis already has various Imperial Ground Assets (which also work great as objectives/assets in Titanicus). Imagine having these squads of tanks maneuver around the tabletop to snag these objectives all while dodging aircraft’s bombing runs and Titanic weapon blasts…
This Could Be An EPIC Expansion To Titanicus
I don’t think GW is looking to relaunch Epic 40,000. But maybe an Epic 30,000 isn’t that far off base. I know lots of folks have thought “yeah, if GW ever launches Epic again, I’m just going to buy those minis and play 40k with those models.” I think that’s a legitimate fear GW has. They don’t want to cannibalize their player base from their existing games and relaunching Epic scale armies from 40k is a great way to do that.
But the Horus Heresy book series is heading toward its dramatic conclusion with the Siege of Terra. That could take a few more years. That’s plenty of time for GW to develop a revamped rule set of Adeptus Titanicus that incorporates the Titans, Aircraft, and new ground units — all set in the Horus Heresy. I think if GW sticks with Space Marines and develops rules and kits for those 18 Legions that work in AT, they’d inject some real life into Titanicus and create a ton of buzz for the Horus Heresy again.
We got Titans, Aircraft, and Ground Assets…C’mon GW – give us some Titanicus scale tanks and the journey is complete!