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Cosplay: ‘The Fifth Element’s Leeloo is the Supreme Being

3 Minute Read
Nov 12 2021

She’s here to save the Universe and eat chicken… and she’s all out of chicken.

Denis Villeneuve’s Dune hit theaters this season, breathing new life into the Sci-Fi genre. The buzz around this film calls back to Peter Jackson’s Lord of the Rings revival of high fantasy, bringing new audiences to the table. Several classic sci-fi franchises have been born from Herbert’s original Dune concept, including the epic space opera The Fifth Element by Luc Besson. The film has led to some amazing Leeloo Cosplays.

Alyson Tabbitha as Leeloo from The Fifth Element

The Fifth Element was a beautiful departure from normal sci-fi tropes, bringing love and wonder and a bit of mysticism into the equation. The film captured the hearts of audiences around the world, and has lived strong as a staple of Cosplay culture for decades.

TorieRobot Cosplay as Leeloo 

We have featured cosplays from The Fifth Element before (like ArkaneKani’s Ruby Rhod Cosplay), and some titans of the cosplay world have stepped up to the plate as well. Alyson Tabbitha (remember her transformation into Mystique and Ahsoka Tano?), TorieRobot Cosplay and Pugoffka Cosplay have stepped up to the plate with their Leeloo cosplays this week.

TorieRobot Cosplay

TorieRobot Cosplay Instagram


“Senno ecto gammat!”

“Everything you create, you use to destroy.”


“Leeloo Minai Lekarariba-Laminai-Tchai Ekbat De Sebat.”

“I don’t know love. I was built to protect not to love, so there is no use for me other than this.”

“Me fifth element – supreme being. Me protect you.”

The Fifth Element Art Poster

Alyson Tabbitha- Leelo

Alyson Tabbitha Facebook


“Chi-cken… Good.”

“What’s the use in saving life when you see what you do with it?”

“Leeloo Dallas mul-ti-pass.”


“Wind blows… Fire Burns… Water Falls…”

Pugoffka Cosplay- Leeloo

Pugoffka Cosplay Facebook


Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage!

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Author: Jennifer Larsen
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