D&D: Spoilers From The Strixhaven Preview

Did you miss the Roll20 Con Strixhaven Game? You missed a lot– including these Strixhaven spoilers. New spells and more inside.
This past weekend at Roll20Con a ragtag crew of misfits was put through a collegiate wringer by DM Extraordinaire Aabria Iyengar. The crew includes Brennan Lee Mulligan, Becca Scott, Danny Quach, and Mica Burton. That, in itself, was chock full of incredible and funny moments worth watching.
But even if you don’t go for AP streams, the preview showcased the new Roll20 Mobile App. It also gave us a sneak peek at some of the rules in the upcoming Strixhaven: Curriculum of Chaos.
The Strixhaven Feats
First up, thanks to some other previews, we know that one of the big things in the upcoming book are the new backgrounds. These will automatically get you the Strixhaven Initiate feat.
Each of these feats unlocks certain spells as being part of your class list. In the preview game, we got a look at what that list is for Silverquill students and prospects. Here’s Mica Burton playing a 5th level Wizard and showcasing some spells that aren’t usually on a Wizard’s list.
The Silverquill Initiate feat’s spell list includes Guiding Bolt, Vicious Mockery, and Sacred Flame, all of which feels appropriate to the “drama house.” But wait, there’s more.
We also got a look at one of five new spells (one for each College), in this case, Silverquill again. Check out Silvery Barbs, a reaction spell that can’t be more than 3rd level, but other than that we don’t know what level it is. It lets you inflict a condition like Disadvantage– but better.
Because it’s not canceled out by Advantage (or Disadvantage). You just cause a creature to reroll a d20 and have them use the lower roll. Players can do this while also giving an ally (or themselves) advantage on the next check they make.
We don’t know what the trigger is, but this could be a lot of fun. This adds to the other spells we know about Borrowed Knowledge and Wither and Bloom. These give you an extra proficiency or let you damage enemies and heal an ally respectively.
We also got a look at some Strixhaven spoilers in the form of stats and art for some of the NPCs. These also included Mina Lee and Zanther Bowen, two people whom you might befriend as fellow students. They look like they’d be handy to have in a scrap.
And finally we got a look at a new creature. We saw this Kruthik-looking fellow before, but then, it turns out this is a creature called a Mage Hunter.
Mage Hunters are apparently capable of assuming multiple forms (since it has actions it can only use when in its “hunter form”). And on top of that, hits pretty hard while being able to follow magic wherever it is.
It looks like Strixhaven will be extra many things, but especially extra-curricular. Get ready, doors open December 7th! Which is just one day before the new Halo Infinite campaign drops. You can relive your days of playing a Halo game while your D&D character should be going to class.
Happy Adventuring!