Games Workshop: ‘Last Chance’ Christmas Shipping Dates Coming Quick
Thanks to the global shipping issues, your last chance to place an order and get it by Christmas in North America is quickly closing in.
It’s that time of year when shopping gets a little crazy. Well, this year also has an added curveball of global supply issues which means shipping is also getting a little wild. Games Workshop wanted to get the word out and also help set some expectations in terms of deliveries this year, too. If you want your GW goodies by Christmas, you might want to get those orders in sooner rather than later.
“This year, thanks to ongoing disruption across global supply chains, last orders for your Christmas shopping are a little earlier than you might expect. We don’t want you to be caught out, so consider this a heads up!
In the US, Canada, Australia, and New Zealand especially, the dates are almost upon us. In North America, the 1st of December is the last day you can order from and and we can guarantee your package will be with you for the big day. For Australia and New Zealand, it’s the 2nd of December (or the 16th for Forge World). You can of course still order after this, and we’ll do all we can to get it to you ASAP, but you do run the risk of it not arriving on time.”
Yikes! That’s not a lot of time left in the US and Canada. You can always try and pick-up stuff directly from your FLGS or local Warhammer store, too. But again, shipping is going to be rough in North America this year — it’s not just our little nerd corner either. If you want to make sure you get all your gifts in across the board, you might want to shop sooner than you might have planned.
Anyhow, GW also put out a handy graphic with shipping date cut-offs for the rest of the world as well:
Again, not a ton of time left for some regions. But at least GW is being up front about it. This isn’t ideal, but at least they are trying to spread the word. So help them (and your friends and family out) by spreading the word, too. Get your GW orders in soon — if you want them by Christmas that is!
And here’s a little tip if you can’t get your order by then: Take a screenshot of the product, print that out, and wrap it in a box. Write a note with the shipping date on it. This small gesture lets the person know that you DID get them something…it’s just running late. Plus, when it DOES arrive, it’s like Christmas all over again!
If anyone’s asking, I’ll take one of these battleforces. Do I need MORE Marines? HAHAHAAHhAHAHAhhahaHAh. Always. I have a problem.
Get your orders in SOON! Or at least talk to your FLGS and see if they have Pre-order options!!!