Games Workshop Rumor Engine: Digital Destruction

It’s that time again. Another Games Workshop Rumor Engine is here and this one is getting all digital!
Tuesday has come again to bring us another glimpse into the future from Games Workshop. Today, this are getting a little digitized. You’ll see what I mean once you take a look at the latest Rumor Engine from GW.
“With the Red Gobbo called away to his Christmas duties, we’re back to divining cryptic messages from the Rumour Engine with nothing but our own rampant guesswork. This week, we have… whatever this is.”
So what are we looking at? Well, I’ve got some ideas here. The first one that pops up is that this could be from a Necron something-or-other. The “digitized” look isn’t the first time we’ve seen that from them. Plus the strange axe(?) has what could be a Necron glyph on it as well. Note the circle with the lines through it — you’ll spot it on the other Necrons below.
The square pattern is very reminiscent of the Void Dragon’s digital look, too:
However, the Necrons aren’t the only ones to use a similar pattern:
Maybe it’s a hologram of sorts? Still, I’m leaning strongly on the Necron line to get a new model but the question is what or who that one could be. Here’s where you come in! If you’ve got any crazy ideas or theories, we want to know about them in the comments! So drop us a line and let us know what you think this digital construction.
Another Necron wave? Perhaps…