Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Ork Speed Freeks A-Geddon!

VROOM VROOM! with an Ork Speed Freeks army using the Octavius Critical Mass’ new Speed Mob rules.
The best thing from the book is the Speed Freek army list and while it is probably not better than Freebootas it might end up being if that army gets nerfed a bit. Of course this list will lean heavily into Bikers as while I am sure smaller MSU units might be better it isn’t nearly as interesting to myself when you can throw a ton of big units on the table top and zoom zoom your way to some boom boom.
The Ork Speed Freeks Speed Mob limits you to Aircraft, Speed Freeks, and Wagons. I don’t plan on throwing any Flyers in it as they just got the hammer so no more wasting time investing in them. I will be throwing some Forge World in here with Nob Bikerz as they are the only other Biker option as this army didn’t move Bikers to a troop choice. I want to play 6 units and dangit will if points lets me.
Ork Outrider Detachment (0CP)
Army of Renown – Speed Freeks Speed Mob
Clan – Evil Sunz
Deffkilla Wartrike – Warlord – Speed King, Upgrade – Squid-hide Tyres, Relic – Rezmekka’s Redder Paint – 140pts
Nobz on Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 3 – 285pts
Nobz on Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 3 – 285pts
Nobz on Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 3 – 285pts
Ork Outrider Detachment (-3CP)
Army of Renown – Speed Freeks Speed Mob
Clan – Evil Sunz
Warboss on Warbike – Relic (-1CP) – Da Killa Klaw, Warlord (-1CP) – Fasta Than Yooz – 115pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 1 – 248pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 1 – 248pts
Warbikers X 9 – Big Choppa X 1 – 248pts
Deffkoptas X 3 – Koopta Rokkits X 3 – 150pts
PTS: 1989 CP: 8
Ork Speed Freek Tak-Tics
This is a pretty simple army as it is a wave of bikers that are going to drive forward, advance, and shoot as much as you can. Most likely I don’t have enough good shooting but who cares – call the Speed Waagh and utilize your Objective Secure Zoom Zoom boys to get on points, throw out some Dakka, and then cause some problems. I went with 1 unit of Deffkoptas so I could hide them in reserves to drop in later, charge 3d6, and maybe be a problem. From there they can fly, advance, and shoot the bejesus out of something as needed. Hell they can also charge flyers which could be fun. You get to go first, everything gets a 5++ and you start to reroll 1’s to wound with the fat bottomed Deffkilla.
As the Speed Freeks army has you lose Kultur but not your Clan you can go Evil Sunz and utilize the Warlord Trait and Relics to get a faster Warlord, an advance/Charge Warbikers unit, and just be a big pain in the butt. I expect this type of army can easily sacrifice units of Nob Bikerz to lock opponents in with the move, advance, and Drive by Dakka to get as far as you can. You won’t be able to charge but you can throw out some bullets and sit there with a ton of 3 Wound/5++ save jerks who are more than happy to take a bit to kill and let your opponent not move as much.
I love the the simplicity in the army and how it survived the Nerf without getting too damaged. You could go with a Suite of Buggies if you wanted too as well – utilize one Nob Biker unit for lock down/annoyance and just play the speed game. I think will see a lot of players digging out their Warbikers.