Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: Stick With Your Army If You Want to Win

Goatboy here to tell you to avoid army-hopping temptation, and win by sticking with your army no matter what.
Goatboy here and my greatest sin as a competitive player is always army hopping. I can’t help it as my desire to paint new things means I always want to try something new out in the competitive battlefields. On top of this I won’t play with it unless it has paint on it means that I rarely have a chance to practice with an army before I subject myself to a big event. You could also blame this on just me not having the time to play too much as well – kids, work, commissions, kids, family, etc means I just find it hard to get the time. This is fine as that is the life of being an adult – but it also means my issues with not keeping with a list will forever keep me messing up.
Grey Knights – my latest addiction
Of course this is fine if you want to just goof around with a list and hope for the best. But you know I usually like to win a bit more than I lose so it ends up putting me in a bad place in some games as I make those wonderfully awesome mistakes. Why am I talking about this now? Well – I have decided to try and keep it real the rest of the year and stick with an army choice.
Sticking With It
Now I know a lot of you are saying – Goatboy I stick with an army most of the year because I don’t go buy random things to paint and it takes me a long time to get something together. And I say to that – good don’t buy a bunch of crazy stuff and stick with something you know. I am lucky in that I have been playing this game for awhile so I end up having a ton of stuff to “figure” things out if I want too. Still – no matter how many Ork pieces I gather I will not shift to them and instead will stick with my Grey Knights.
I may have dabbled in Orks recently…
I know what a lot of you are saying – Goatboy these Grey Knights are not Chaos and I say yes. Yes I know they are not Chaos but you know what – there isn’t a new Chaos out so that means I have to look towards something else. It also means I really want to play an army I can ruin my game by failing a ton of psychic checks because that always happens when I decide to go hog wild into psychic spell flinging.
So yes – this means the next few events before I end up hitting LVO next year will be the Austin GW event and then finally my New Orleans Open from Frontline Gaming at the end of the year. Heck I just bought my flight to New Orleans so I am pretty well locked in to go. Now the lists might not be the exact same as I hope to get at least 2-3 games in before Austin and then most likely letting that lock me in on what I want to play. I got a few things I want to paint up to try and of course as my “play it painted fool” mantra means it has to be painted. It is also why I went with Grey Knights as the scheme I have is easy, quick, and something I can replicate quickly if needed. I also have a few extra pieces laying around to ensure I got all my choices.
But Morty keeps whispering in my ear to pickup Death Guard again…
Setting Realistic Goals Before Army-hopping
My advice to anyone just getting into the game is to first decide how well you hope to do. If you want to win more than lose you should practice a bit. If you want to try and win the whole thing you should probably practice a lot and have access to one of the better armies. If you want to just have fun play what you want and screw the score at the end. You really need to decide how you want to play before you get to the table top and the big events because if winning is too important just know Dice love to leave you standing there with your pants down.
Space Goats can be counts-as anything…
If you are going to any of those events come say hi. I will most likely be wearing a bright shirt and throwing around Dreadknights like I know what I am doing.