Kickstarter Round-Up: Planegea 5e Setting, Plus Adorable Dice Bags, and More

Come check out this week’s batch of Kickstarter and crowdfunding highlights!
Champions of Virtue – STL
Five heroic individuals have ventured into a haunted graveyard at night, three with the purpose to smite the undead and, unluckily for them, two that just happened to be working in the vicinity. Have they bitten off more than they can handle?
[In this campaign] you get pre-supported STL files for the above mentioned heroic individuals. You also get an unrelated bonus model.
Pledges start at $8 for STL files plus stretch goals.
Pride of Dragon Bagons
Dragon Bagons are ferociously cute little dragons who love to hoard dice and other treasures. Each one stands about 20cm (8 inches) tall and is made of soft cuddly fleece. Flip back their head to reveal a sturdy dicebag belly that will easily hoard 100 standard dice (or other treasures). Of course, once they’ve got your hoard, it’s a matter of tact, negotiation, and bribery to get it back.
Pledges start at $35 for a bag – dice, pins, and other options available.
Exquisite Crime
From the award-winning development team who brought you ‘Alice is Missing’ comes a new storytelling game: where players play as Paranormal Detectives in a surreal world, taking turns transcribing their ‘visions’ to another player who renders their words into a drawing.
Exquisite Crime is reminiscent of games like ‘A Quiet Year’ and ‘A Fake Artist Goes to New York’ where by the end of gameplay, there is a tangible artifact that the players have created during the game. Exquisite Crime does this by having you draw several Exquisite Corpses, which is a classical fine art exercise that involves using collaborative drawing. Or our case, to tell a story about crime as paranormal detectives.
Pledges start at $20 for a PnP.
Potbellied Kobold’s Guide to Villains & Lairs – 5e
Imagine a Monster book, but instead filled with dangerous Non-Player Characters. That’s what you are getting when you back Potbellied Kobold’s Guide to Villains & Lairs. 30 villainous NPCs and 10 unique lairs to add to your game.
A book of unscrupulous characters with developed histories, motives, and unique equipment that you can easily drop into your ongoing story as a one-shot adventure, side quest, or as a larger threat during the campaign. Many of these NPCs are humanoid, but there are a few monstrous or undead creatures, too.
Pledges start at $15 for a PDF.
Velrock Art Miniatures: Company of Dragons
With the release of the most recent D&D book detailing new ways to play dragon-folk characters and even covering dragons themselves in greater detail, I figured people would need some miniatures to compliment their gaming tables! My very first D&D character was a Dragonborn, and I’ve been a big fan of them ever since, so this is quite a fun project for me to undertake.
These miniatures will cover a wide variety of archetypes to suit any class, and if stretch goals are met, even more options will open up! Backers will receive 14 pre-supported miniature STLs (DIGITAL FILES ONLY) at 32mm scale, which will be added to their Myminifactory libraries so that they will always have the file available to download.
Pledges start at $15 for all files.
Planegea: The Prehistoric 5e Setting
Planegea is the primordial fantasy campaign setting for 5th Edition, where a dungeon means the curse-painted caves of a cannibal clan. Gone are the safe hearths of taverns and libraries, kingdoms and cathedrals. Planegea is a place of utter wildness, where survival is the only law and it must be carved from the world by force of might and magic.
Nothing is as you expect in Planegea. Elves are shimmering dream-walkers, dwarves are half stone, humans are beast-tamers, halflings are silent stalkers, gnomes are filthy scavengers, and dragonborn are just a heartbeat away from their draconic ancestors.
(This week’s header image is from this campaign.)
Pledges start at $20 for a digital copy.
~Which Of These Campaigns Caught Your Attention?