Star Wars: Six Grievous Mistakes in ‘Revenge Of The Sith’

Revenge of the Sith might be the best of the Prequels, but it’s still got flaws.
Lately, we’ve been taking a look at some of the things Star Wars movies have gotten right, and a few things they’ve gotten wrong here or there. In the last few weeks, we’ve looked at mistakes made in The Phantom Menace and Attack of the Clones. This, at last, brings us to the mistakes in Revenge of the Sith.
This is by far my favorite of the Prequel movies. And I think it’s a very solid movie, but its not without its problems. Let’s take a look.
6. Not Giving Anakin A Red Saber For the Final Fight
You can say this is a bit of a nitpick, and fair. But I’ve always thought it was a mistake to not give Anakin a red saber before the battle on Mustafar.
Now I know there are a couple reasons for him to keep his old saber. For one, Obi-Wan has to get it to give to Luke. And it helps play up a bit that they are “brothers”.
But I think both having the same colored saber is not only a tad confusing but isn’t as visually interesting. I think it would have been easy for Palpitine to give Anakin a saber after he names him Vader, and then you’d get really classic red vs blue clash.
Or maybe have Anakin use both sabers, symbolizing that he isn’t fully Vader yet. A small mistake, but a mistake nonetheless.
5. What The Heck Is Up With Grievous
Grievous is a pretty strange character in the movie. He shows up and seems to have all this background with Obi-Wan and Anakin, but heck if we know what any of that is.
He seems to be a powerful fighter, but he doesn’t go help Dooku fight the Jedi. And then he ends up running away. He’s a robot with a… cough? He never has a victory, just running away a few times and getting killed.
It’s a weird arc and a weird dude. And yes, now, years later, if you watch a bunch of shows and read some stuff… he’s really cool and scary. It does all make sense now. It paid off. But if you went into a theater on opening night in 2005, this guy had you scratching your head.
4. Palpatine Is Bad At Fighting
In one of the pivotal scenes, a group of Jedi come to arrest Palpatine. It’s here that we get the big reveal (which of course isn’t one) that Palpatine is the hidden Sith lord.
For the first time, we get to see the real evil fight. He whips out a saber and cuts his way though several of the best Jedi fighters. This should be shocking and awesome– a truly stand-out fight.
This is the Sith Lord unleashed for the very first time. And well… it is shocking, but not in a good way.
The choreography for this fight just isn’t good. Palpatine doesn’t really look like he knows how to fight well. There are some weird spinny moves and the Jedi just kinda stand around. Not the best.
3. Noooooooooo
Just. No.
2. Padme Dies Because She Is Sad
I mean… really this is how the badass Padme dies? She loses the will to live because she is big sad over Anakin? This whole movie really treats her poorly, reducing a powerful warrior and diplomat to someone who literally spends most of the movie barefoot and pregnant.
Then she just kind of dies for a dumb reason. Her newborn kids aren’t enough to live for? And yes, I know there are a ton of theories about why she really died, but none of those are canon or explained in the movie.
I know she had to die, but the way it was done… was pretty dang dumb.
1. No Darth Jar Jar
There is a persistent theory that Jar Jar Binks is the real villain of Star Wars. This theory is long and convoluted, you can read about it elsewhere, but in general it goes that Jar Jar was the real Sith Lord and that his bumbling appearance was all an act, a cover.
There have been various apocryphal tales of people saying this was the real plan, and that it’s somehow been confirmed. And heck , I would have loved it (also maybe hated it). But I think maybe it was a mistake not to have it happen.
Holy Sith, that would have been the twist that blew ours minds. Maybe even more than “I am your father.”
Let us know what you disliked most about this movie, down in the comments!