Video Games: Riot Games Celebrates ‘Arcane’ Premiere – Donates $300,000 To Charity

The Riot Games Social Impact Fund donated $10,000 grants to each of these thirty non-profits to help their local and global communities.
The Arcane series premiere has done well for Netflix. It already has historically high ratings according to IMBD and holds the most-viewers spot in thirty-eight countries.
To celebrate, Riot Games is putting some of that good back out into the world. The Riot Games Social Impact Fund donates $10,000 each in grant funding to thirty different non-profit organizations.
Riot Games Social Impact Fund’s goal is to bring the gaming community together to help solve what the site describes as “some of the world’s most pressing issues.” Since the fund’s establishment, Riot Games has donated over $4million to “promote equality in education, opportunity, and global citizenship”. The chosen organizations span the philanthropic gamut as well as the world.
Riot Games Charity Donations
This year, thirty organizations will receive a $10,000 grant.
- The APAE Brasil focuses on health, education, social assistance, civil rights, and autonomy in Brasil.
- Ape Action Africa is a wildlife conservation organization in Central Africa.
- Asian American Success guides students toward a future in community leadership.
- BeLong To supports LGBT young people in Ireland.
- The Blue Dragon Children’s Foundation helps children in Vietnam escape from crisis, including sex trafficking and forced labor.
- Clean Up Australia is a conservation organization in Australia.
- The Coalition for Rainforest Nations is an intergovernmental organization established to reconcile forest stewardship with economic development.
- Cordem ABP is a nonprofit that creates opportunities for women who lack social or economic support.
- Fundación Aquí Nadie Se Rinde I.A.P is a Mexican association helping children with cancer.
- Fundación Minga Valpo works to improve the quality of life of communities by promoting community work, learning, and socio-emotional skills.
- Fundación Superación Pobreza is helping to overcome poverty and encourage sustainable development.
- The Genesis Women’s Shelter gives women in abusive situations a way out.
- Ingenium ABP promotes comprehensive well-being and respect for human rights, especially of those who cope with mental illness and their families.
- Instituto Vovó Chiquinho keeps teenagers and children off of the streets and provides meals for kids in need.
- The LÖSEV Foundation for Children with Leukemia supports children with Leukemia and their families.
- The Maslow Project empowers homeless youth to thrive independently through supports that stabilize and engage in all aspects of life.
- The Metropolitan Organization to Counter Sexual Assault improves the lives of those impacted by sexual abuse and assault and prevent sexual violence in our community
- Plan International Japan is a child rights and humanitarian organization committed to children living a life free of poverty, violence and injustice.
- Prairie State Legal Services offer free legal services for low-income persons and those age 60 and over who have serious civil legal problems and need legal help to solve them
- Shatterproof is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to transforming addiction treatment, ending stigma, and supporting communities.
- Société Protectrice des Animaux protects animals by fighting against abuse and abandonment, helping poor pet owners, and raising public awareness.
- SPEAR Islington works to transform employment by helping unemployed young people facing different challenges and barriers getting into work or education.
- Story Tapestries empowers, educates and encourages children and adults to integrate the arts into all aspects of their lives
- The Nature Conservancy is a global environmental organization headquartered in Arlington, Virginia.
- The Table Community Food Centre improves access to food, food literacy, food insecurity, and poverty.
- Verein für krebskranke Kinder Harz eV supports children with cancer and their families.
- WAI Wanaka improves and maintain long-term health of Upper Clutha’s freshwater in New Zealand.
- WaterAid is an international non-governmental organization, focused on water, sanitation, and hygiene.
- World Wildlife Fund-SA works to look after our natural resources — oceans, land and wildlife — so we can continue to benefit from food, water and a healthy climate.
In the past, Riot has been involved in many charity drives, including a $1million donation to Wings Fund. WF is an organization that helps marginalized developers make their game designs a reality.
We look forward to seeing what the Riot Games Social Impact Fund does next.
Will you join Riot Games in helping our local and global communities? Which of the thirty non-profits is closest to your heart? What would you like to see the Riot Games Social Impact Fund contribute to next? Let us know in the comments!
Happy Adventuring!