Warhammer 40K RUMORS – Horus Heresy New Edition Launch Products

Another set of Horus Heresy new edition rumors is doing the rounds with details of the launch products for the all new line.
You will remember that a few weeks back, we got images, prices, and tank details on the rumored Horus Heresy new edition.
The Initial Images
“So – would anyone like to see some pics of the new Horus Heresy boxset due out……soon?
Plastic Mk6
New Plastic Contemptor
Plastic Spartan
Possible plastic characters (heralds/praetors?)
And some Cataphractii.
No? Nobody? Ok well here’s some pics anyway.”
The 2nd Batch
Then we got this second set of information:
- The Horus Heresy range will be getting a major release later in the year.
- It will receive a massive rules overhaul at the same time. (contradictory chatter says 9th Edition ruleset)
- The core units of the Horus Heresy range will be moved to plastic over time.
- The Horus Heresy Range will move from Forge World’s control, over to the main GW Design Studio
The 3rd Batch
A BoLS reader forwarded this image which is all the above shots stitched together into a single shot. Then he got out the magnifying glass to count up everything in it:
This looks like:
- Mk VI Beakies – 40 models
- Cataphractii Termys – 10 models
- Contemptor Dread – 1 model
- Spartan Assault Tank – 1 model
- Commanders – 2 models
Right off the bat – that is a giant amount of models. While some of these don’t exist currently we have very close comparisons to estimate what this would cost if you bought it a la carte:
- Mk VI Beakies – 40 models @$50 per 10 – based on Mk3 minis.
- Cataphractii Termys – 10 models @$65 per 5 – based on Cataphractii minis.
- Contemptor Dread – 1 model @$60 per – based on Contemptor minis.
- Spartan Assault Tank – 1 model @$100 per – based on Repulsor Executioner.
- Commanders – 2 models @$35 apiece – based on marine commander minis.
That works out to a total of: $560
Price Rumors
There are rumors of a price point for this box of $350
The 4th Batch
This set came from Reddit 40K groups :
“As known, we will get a Horus Heresy reboot in November. A little Bird twittered…
Note that some Points were maybe already leaked.
New “Edition” in Nov 2021
GW will overtake Horus Heresy as a “new” System from FW
Own Ruleset like the last one from FW, not a 9th Edition 40k adaption like many guess
Many new Plastic Sets are planned to replace FW Resin Models which will be also useful with 40k Armies
GW will overtake the Decals for all 18 Legions, Characteres and very Legion specific Stuff remains with FW
As a new Main System, Horus Heresy Story will expanded with Themed Expansions like the “Warzone” Books in 40k – the reboot beginns with the Battle for the Sol System, later they will revisit earlier “Warzones” like Istvaan III, Istvaan V, Prospero, Tallarn ect. with focus on certain Factions
Warzone Expansions replace the “Black Books” permanently
Horus Heresy is planned over many Years and will also Expanded into a “Age of Darkness” Game with multiple Setting, including the Scourge or the Great Crusade (see The Lord of the Rings and The Hobbit as “Middleearth” SBG)”
The 5th Batch
This set came from Valrek over on YouTube. Here they are:
The Plastic Spartan is going to be a combo dual-kit.
The non-Spartan variant is a NON-Lord of War.
Release Date for the new Boxed Set is October. (clearly didn’t happen)
The New Rumors
This set comes from Gary who got a long detailed set of rumors sent to him:
Horus Heresy New Edition Thoughts
The latest rumors dont list a specific launch time, but previous sets said either October (obviously wrong), or November for the launch window. Both of these fits timeframe fits in with the general “mystery box-big release” type of thing that GW likes to throw out right around the holidays. This is the time of year when people get loose with their wallets and gift-giving behavior sets in. If GW wanted to do a high ticket-price relaunch – November makes sense. Previous HH boxed sets have been released then.
This Horus Heresy new edition launch set looks like it is based on the “small-medium-large-fancy full box set” model that GW has used to launch recent editions of both 40K and AoS. The reference to Black Books and the Compendium feels like the codex and initial index model used when 40K 8th was launched – probably something needed to modernize the new range, and make it easy for new players to get into. The leatherbound Forge World books are among the highest quality books GW has ever produced, but they are not aimed at new casual players.
Overall, if this is correct, this has all the hallmarks of a “full 3rd line” Warhammer game with ongoing support year after year. Something more granular for those who want something different than standard 40K – especially is the updated rules are indeed based on 7th edition.
We will have to wait and see how this develops.
~What do you think of such a giant relaunch and what are the key 30K features that are make-or-break for you to get onboard?