Warhammer 40K: The Unbeatable List: GW Austin GT 2021 Edition

One unbeatable list went all the way in GW’s own Austin GT. Let’s see who is the new king of 40K.
First a big thank you to GW for hosting an event in Austin. It is always nice to have a big event in your hometown. I did not play this year as I was asked to help with the stream. I was jonesing so bad to play the whole time as well – but that is why you will see me in at the NOLA event run by FLG in 3 weeks. The one good thing about the event being in town was I got to see my kids a bit each day instead of leaving my wife to the evil clutches of my two spawn. Pure Chaos as we got Goatboy and his two Goat Lads running around.
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But enough about that – let’s get to the winning list. Richard “The Machine” Siegler pulled a 3 peat with all 3 GW events won by him. He brought Ad-Mech to the first two and decided to finish it off with the “best” list according to him – the Drukhari. Dark Eldar got a “nerf” but was secretly a boost in disguise. Drops to the Talos and Grotesques means that list shifted from the old Wytches and good stuff to now Coven and good stuff. The entire book is good and when you shift points too cheaply you end up having units that punch up more than their points should let them. Sadly this is probably going to be the case for a bit as the points updates are what is going to show up for Chapter Approved later on next year. Will see if we get a response and Thicc City shows up too much.
Here is the list.
Unbeatable Drukhari List – Richard Siegler
Obsession – “Custom Coven” – Artists of the Flesh (All Consuming)
Haemonculus – Warlord – Master Regenerist, The Animus Vitae – 70pts
Wracks X 17 – Electrocorrosive Whip, Ossefactor, Wrack Blade X 16 – 154pts
Wracks X 5 – 40pts
Wracks X 5 – 40pts
Grotesque w/Master Cleaver X 4 – 140pts
Grotesque w/Master Cleaver X 4 – 140pts
Talos X 2 – Heat Lances X 2, Talos Gauntlet, Talos Icho Injector – 210pts
Talos X 2 – Heat Lances X 2, Talos Gauntlet, Talos Icho Injector – 210pts
Obsession – “Custom Coven” – Dark Technomancer
Succubus – Hypex, Quicksilver Fighter, Relic – Triptych Whip, Tolerated Ambition, Show Stealer – 95pts
Wracks X 4 – 40pts
Cronos X 3 – Sprit Probe X 1 – 260pts
Cronos X 3 – Sprit Probe X 1 – 260pts
Obsession – Kabal of the Black Heart: Thirst for Power
Archon – Ancient Evil, Djin Blade, Splinter Pistol, Huskblade, Tolerated Ambition, Splinter Genius
-No Force Org-
Court of the Arcon – Sslyth X 4, Ur-Ghul X 4 – 136pts
Wracks X 5 – 40pts
Mandrakes X 5 – 75pts
Pts: 2000 CP: +8CP
How It Works
This is the new hotness for Dark Eldar. Using the cheaper Talos and Cronos mixed with tough/cheap troops to just cover the board. The Court can punch hard, the Grotesques can punch hard, the pain engines can punch hard, and you got some crazy characters. I never liked how you can put these other HQ’s into Coven and other units instead of forcing you to take what is just available for the obsession. I know it doesn’t fit the whole pirate nature of things but I feel it is one way to go after the army and remove some of the nonsense. I also can’t believe how cheap some of the things are when you compare it to other armies and their troops and options. But yeah – this list is pretty busted and Richard wanted to go out there and prove this army is the best in the game.
Congrats again to Richard – an excellent player and a nice guy! He is a good sport for the game and brings high level play with out being a jerk face to the table tops. In fact all the games I watched were examples of great sportsmanship throughout the entire event. Anyway this is it – I think it is time for me to take a shower and go to bed as this weekend was extremely long and tiring. Helping do the stream is a legit rough job and a big Goatboy High Five to my other stream buddies that worked this weekend as well as all the judges, organizers, and I guess even that dastardly grey haired Mike Brandt.
Thanks again – see everyone next year when I try to make more of these as they head out to other unique cities in the US.