Warhammer: November’s Collectible Coin Is Da Red Gobbo

Christmas has come early for to the Grot Revolution. This month’s Collectible Coin is Da Red Gobbo!
Warhammer Stores around the world will be handing out the monthly Collectible Coin and November is going to be none other than the Red Gobbo!
“Christmas is right around the corner, and Da Red Gobbo has been blocking out time from his busy schedule*, preparing to deliver presents to everyone at your local Warhammer store. Yes, it’s only November, but he’s been really keen this year, and he’s a tad worried that his grot friends will try to swap these freshly minted commemorative coins for extra squig nuggets.”
The Red Gobbo Coin will be available in Warhammer Stores starting on the 6th of November and will be in stock while supplies last – so if you want to ensure you get one show up early! You’ll need to ask the local store manager how you can snag one to add to your collection.
Games Workshop has been putting out these coins all year and if you happen to have at least 6 of them, you can show them off to the Store Manager and get a fancy protective album for your collection, too:
There’s also the matter of the free monthly miniature and in November it’s going to be a Squig!
This miniature is taken from the Squig Herd so your model may vary from the one pictured. It’s a great model to practice your Squig Painting skills on as the Red Gobbo is getting a new miniature later this year. Why not practice on the free squig and then tackle the Red Gobbo later! I just hope you have lots of different shades of red.
Stop by your local Warhammer Store and snag a new coin and the free miniature this month – The Red Gobbo will be pleased!