Warhammer The Old World Rumors: Timeline Whispers

There’s new scuttlebutt doing the rounds on Warhammer: The Old World’s timeline. Take a look.
We’ve all been waiting with bated breath for any word onthe big relaunch of Warhammer Fantasy in some form. It’s been two years since GW first announced it would be returning in November 2019.
Previous News From GW
They already answered the BIG burning questions regarding Bases and Scale of the new game:
Bases – Square or Round?
“Definitely square! Warhammer: The Old World is a reinvention of the classic rank-and-file game of Warhammer Fantasy Battles. Regiments move in ranked-up units, and strategic manoeuvring into position to launch or receive a critical charge will be as much a key part of the game as it ever was.”
This is a BIG deal. In fact, it’s so big, they reinterated this answer again in the same post. Seriously, it’s going to be square bases again and it’s going to rely on the old school rank-and-file game play of Warhammer Fantasy.
Scale – 10mm or 15mm?
“What? No! What madness is that?! The scale will remain the same as it ever was. We want people to be able to use their old armies if they wish, or to start new ones, or to add new miniatures to old armies – whatever they want.”
Then Nottingham showed off a lot very detailed maps here. So it’s not a shock that they have been nose to the grindstone, creating away. Onto the latest:
The Rumors
This latest comes via Gary:
- Empire
- Orks
- Dwarves
- High Elves
- Warriors of Chaos
We can all at least take heart that some part of this entire game being relaunched has to do with the runaway success of Warhammer Total War, and with it the eventual inclusion of the “Armies of the East” into the game. Heck the last time we heard a peep from “over there” was the 1987 Nippon army list from Warhammer Fantasy 2nd Edition! That is until Grand Cathay blew the doors off everything this summer.
As for the time delays, GW is I’m sure not magically immune to to the severe workplace, personnel and logistics disruptions from COVID. Every company big and small has been affected and already several game companies in the UK have closed doors.
I firmly believe The Olrd World will be worth the wait!