Why Id Software Might Be Working On A New Quake Game

Either we’re assuming too much from too little, or the classic sci-fi fantasy FPS might get a new title. Is a new Quake game in the works?
id Software, developers of Commander Keen, Rescue Rover, and Quake, haven’t done anything new with the Quake franchise in a while. The most recent title Quake Champions was released to Steam’s Early Access in 2017 and it hasn’t left since. Odd for any game, but even more so since it appears that id Software might be working on a new Quake title entirely.
To those wondering, I play mostly Engineer. Gun Slinger and Wrangler. Fight me. You won’t.
Astute observers noticed a few interesting lines in some job posting on id Software’s job boards. Most notably their mention of the new hires working on “the development of a long-running iconic action FPS”.
The highlight is my doing. Not id’s.
Now id has several games that fit that description, but considering the Doom sequel we got last year and that the posting also makes mention of “sci-fi and fantasy” environments, odds are it’s a new Quake game.
But the timing is good for it, too. Earlier this year we got a Quake remaster for the 25th anniversary. And wouldn’t you know it, Quake II‘s 25th anniversary would be next year. Interesting…
This is definitely all speculation, but I’ve certainly speculated more over less. I’m hoping for a return to form in this. More Quake II, less Quake 4. But that’s just me. Considering how fantastic Doom Eternal is, I have high hopes. Maybe we’ll get Bitterman in Smash.
What sort of play do you hope to see with a new Quake game? More story or just multiplayer arena combat?