Cosplay: The Best of Justice League’s Wonder Woman

Let’s take a look at the fierce warrior women depicting Justice League’s Wonder Woman today!
Wonder Woman is the hero we desperately need and absolutely do NOT deserve. Through ages and realms, Wonder Woman lassoed our hearts as she fights for freedom and equality. Her strength and purity are a beacon of hope for many, and her message of empathy is one that resonates in every generation.
She has long been one of my favorite comic characters, and her stories will continue to impact audiences long into the future. Let’s take a moment to appreciate the raw power and majesty of the best of The Justice League’s Wonder Woman!
Wonder Woman by Brigitte Goudz
Fitness and muscle tone are a huge part of a successful superhero cosplay, and this warrior has that in spades. Brigitte focuses on the fitness aspect of cosplay, featuring characters that showcase her amazing fitness routine. This Wonder Woman adaptation is completely realistic, down to every muscle and pose. It’s incredibly powerful, and a gorgeous representation of bodily health and strength.
Cosplayer: Brigitte Goudz
Valkyrie Wonder Woman by Meagan Marie
This cosplayer is a fierce player in the gaming industry, working as community manager for Crystal Dynamics. This gorgeous depiction of our Amazon Warrior combines her traditional costume with that of a Valkyrie warrior, for a look that is unique and unforgettable.
Her image collaboration is strong and cinematic, it could be a movie still! The attention to special effects detail with the blood and dirt markings makes it particularly realistic. Someone make us a Valkyrie Warrior Wonder Woman movie, STAT!
Cosplayer: Meagan Marie
Wonder Woman Short Film by Rileah Vanderbilt
This actor and cosplayer took part in a short film featuring Wonder Woman that is GORGEOUS to see. The lighting and effects are seamless, and I would love to see where this story is going. Check out an article she’s featured in HERE which talks more about the project and her thoughts on the recent DC direction.
Cosplayer: Rileah Vanderbilt
~Join us next week for more Cosplay Coverage~
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