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Games Workshop Advent Engine Day 10 – ‘More Words Of Wisdom’

2 Minute Read
Dec 10 2021
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We’ve got another Advent Engine for Day 10 only this one is even more mysterious that the previous 9.

One of the fun things about the Advent Engine is that this year’s version certainly has a theme. It’s hinted at with the strange image that surrounds the teaser and we’re pretty sure it’s all been Aeldari this season. That’s what makes these mysterious words of wisdom so interesting.

via Warhammer Community

“Can you hear chanting? Is that just in our heads? What does the Advent Engine have to do with it? Let’s gaze into the face of the future and see if we can divine an answer.”

This appears to be a continuation of Day 5’s message. That was also some words:

Advent Day 5

So far, that makes the whole saying:


Only in defeat will you know victory…

…steep the soul price for slender hope.

We’ll continue to add to this if/when we get more text. However, going off of what we know so far this actually makes sense.

Part of the Plan?

If you remember the events of Psychic Awakening, the Aeldari actually have a plan to destroy Slaanesh. It’s a little…what’s the word…INSANE. But it is a plan:


Just to be clear, here’s a quote from our previous article:

So the basic steps are:

    1. Every Aeldari kill yourselves (all of you, no cheating)
    2. All waystones/souls get stored in the Infinity Circuits
    3. Wait… (for Slaanesh to be dealt with…presumably by Ynnead, maybe with an assist from Khaine & Cegorach)
    4. All Eldar get new bodies cloned by the Drukhari (who are totally trustworthy, and also all killed themselves – see #1 above)
    5. Souls reinserted into cloned bodies.
    6. Party like it’s M.29!

Yep. That soul price IS pretty steep! Let’s see how this one pans out.

Previous Advent Engines:

Advent Engine Day 1 – ‘Start Your Engines’

Advent Engine Day 2 – ‘No Seriously, More Engines’

Advent Engine Day 3 – ‘Aeldari Inbound’

Advent Engine Day 4 – ‘Stepping Up’


Advent Engine Day 5 – ‘Words of Wisdom?’

Advent Engine Day 6 – ‘Plug It In’

Advent Engine Day 7 – ‘Bring Out The Big Guns’

Advent Engine Day 8 – ‘Fancy Hat Lads’

Advent Engine Day 9 – ‘Aeldari Artillery’




Author: Adam Harrison
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