Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K: LVO 2022 Armylist

Goatboy here with my Army plans for LVO. I’m planning things out and I hear the howl of the wolf on the wind.
While I decided to play Grey Knights for the NOLA event (Army I have played the most this year) I am thinking of throwing things for a loop with a return/reintroduction of the Space Goats to the competitive scene. It has been a long time since I played them and while things are different right now it could work. I mean most likely it won’t work but dangit I will look cool pushing Juggernaut riders across the battlefield.
I talked a little about how the game seems to be moving towards some aggressive set ups and I think this army could work. It is fast, can get to objectives quickly, and is set up to play some of the secondaries. Depending on how things change in the new edition it could be a good option. Plus – it is Space Goats and who doesn’t like some terrible counts as nonsense on the tabletop. I initially repainted this army at the beginning of Covid and never got a chance to play them yet. Things sorta stayed bad, events went down, and my mind moved on to other things as usual. This means I painted something else, got excited about a different book and just did the hobby ADHD I usually do as I sit in my house.
So with that – let’s see. I watched one of the games on the stream that had utilize some of the Eradicators to come on from a table edge and blow something up. I thought this was neat and it would give me a chance to paint up some Goat headed ones if I thought they could be useful. I could come on with 3+, do a double shot, and maybe murder something. Its one of those ideas that seems interesting as the whole idea of the army is to gum up the middle with guys who end up being Objective secured with a Character Warlord trait. I also thought about some other options but this is my initial brain list thought.
Of course the initial Chapter is Space Wolves but I feel like I want to build my own chapter to help convey the nature of these crazy beast man of death. This means building one of the Successor options. I lose out on the Plus 1 to hit and heroically intervening options – but found the Heroic stuff is less of a thing on the upper tables then we would want it to be. I sometimes wish its was just we had the option to declare a charge in the opponents phase but oh well. This also means no Special Space Wolf Characters but I think I am ok with that. I know they have 2 decent Thunder Wolf ones but if I don’t go nearly as hard on HQ’s I could eliminate some of the “Assassination” for the win secondaries.
Chapter – Space Goats (From Fenris)
Successor Traits – Whirlwind of Rage (Exploding 6’s in melee when charged, charging, or heroically intervening) and Hungry for Battle (+1 to Advance and Charge Rolls)
I could change the Hungry for Battle to Master Artisan – but thought it fit for this army. I plan on having one Wolf Priest running around so he would have the +2 charge litany going so these won’t stack but it gives some redundancy. It also means the army fits for a crazy bunch of Space Goat riding jerks.
With that – let’s get to building and see what I can do.
Space Marine Patrol (0CP)
-Chapter- Space Goats (Successor Chapter of Space Wolves)
-Traits – Whirlwind of Rage and Hungry for Battle
Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf – Warlord – Rites of War, Saga of the Wolfkin (-1CP), Relic – Teeth of Terra, Storm Shield – 120pts
Primaris Chaplain on Bike – Master of Sanctity, Warlord(-1CP) – Wise Orator, Relic (-1CP) – Benediction of Fury, Litanies – Litany of Hate, Canticle of Rage, Mantra of Strength – 140pts
Assault Intercessors X 5 – 95pts
Blade Guard Veterans X 3 – 105pts
Blade Guard Veterans X 3 – 105pts
Thunderwolf Cavalry X 5 – Stormshield X 5, Lightning Claw X 5 – 275pts
Space Marine Outrider Detachment (-3CP)
-Chapter- Space Goats (Successor Chapter of Space Wolves)
-Traits – Whirlwind of Rage and Hungry for Battle
Wolf Lord on Thunderwolf – Storm Shield, Power Sword, Relic (-1CP) Burning Blade – 125pts
Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf – Relic (Trophy Bestowed -1CP) – Armor of Russ, Thunder Hammer, Storm shield – 125pts
Wolf Guard Battle Leader on Thunderwolf – Thunder Hammer, Storm Shield – 125pts
Fenris Wolves X 15 – 105pts
Fenris Wolves X 15 – 105pts
Thunderwolf Cavalry X 5 – Stormshield X 5, Lightning Claw X 5 – 275pts
Thunderwolf Cavalry X 5 – Stormshield X 5, Lightning Claw X 5 – 275pts
PTs: 1975 CP: 4
Goattastic Tactics
This is a fully assault based army because I decided the shooting aspects just wasn’t needed nearly as much. I plan on just moving, doing board control, and utilizing my Blade Guard Vets and Assault intercessors to allow me to do some Action Secondaries – Banners, ROD, etc – which gives me a whole lot more to do Secondary wise then other things. Plus – the army is just going to be fast and get there. I went with the cheaper lighting claws on all the Thunder Wolves as there are too many armies dropping 1 damage to really push into Fists or Hammers. I went with the Hammers on Characters and I think I might burn another CPE to give one a 4 damage thunder Hammer to go along with the other 3 damage options characters have. After NOLA I plan on working on updating the parts to make it all match and see if I even like this hot mess of stuff.
Cya at LVO – For the Goattime!