Goatboy’s Warhammer 40K – New Years Grey Knights Boots

Let’s head into 2022 with a lean & mean Grey Knights list that can bring the Holy Pain on foot!
Alright this is the last army list for the year and will go with a fresh thought on competitive Grey Knights. With Drukhari Thicc City showing up and a lot of players moving towards smashing the middle let’s think about playing a true metallic Grey Tide of nonsense. I know how we all loved Dreadknights but I am thinking we lean towards cheaper and simpler version of Grey Knights that runs as many boots on the ground. This is a list full of bodies that can easily punch up and if you remove a unit it doesn’t hurt them nearly as much as other armies. This is important as everything is a threat and nothing is a lynchpin of the play style.
This means you can throw these bodies at them and not worry about your losses as long as you try to punch out their big threats quickly. It also seems like a simple army to play. While it does have some problems – namely anything that can shoot a lot – it can quickly move and hide around the table due to its movement tricks. My only fear is it relies on its Smites and Mortal wound output to kill tough things but sometimes you just want to move forward, hold down an objective, and force you opponent to shift backwards.
Grey Knight Booty Boots
Grey Knights Battalion – Grey Tide
Brotherhood – Rapiers
Draigo – Gate of Infinity, Vortex of Doom, Warp shaping – 180pts
Castellan Crowe – Sanctuary – 90pts
Brother-Captain – Warlord (-1CP) – Unyielding Anvil, Psychic Epitome – Relic – Cuirass of Sacrifice – 110pts
Purifier Squad X 10 – Nemesis Warding Stave X 1 – 230pts
Strike Squad X 10 – 220pts
Strike Squad X 10 – 220pts
Strike Squad X 10 – 220pts
Interceptor Squad X 10 – 240pts
Interceptor Squad X 10 – 240pts
Interceptor Squad X 10 – 240pts
PTS: 1990 CP: 11
Tactics of Titan
Basically you are going to Gate guys, jump guys, and probably deep strike some boots on the ground. The idea here is to do the Ritual, Engage, and maybe ROD or something else useful depending on what you need to do. Heck it is just a ton of bodies that love when armies come to body the center. Everything can punch up with Swords everywhere (having AP-3 seems good with the Black Templar match up and other nonsense). You also have the ability to Juice up a Cleansing flame as well as needed or a sweet Vortex to bust out some Mortal wounds. Plus – it is all infantry so let’s go Kool-aid Man thru some walls as needed.
For the Emperor!